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Black Jetta outside of bowling palace


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monday morning at about 3 AM me and one of my buddies just finished 12 straight games of bowling, when i was getting in my car to drive home a black jetta flew by me in the parking lot doing prob about 60 and ran right into a concrete pillar. She deff totaled her car, im not sure if she was injured buy she was not wearing a seatbelt and from watching her hit she deff is not getting out of that without ne injuries. Just wanted to know if anyone knew her, and if they do if shes alright cuz that was one intense wreck
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Originally posted by 04636Ninja:

monday morning at about 3 AM me and one of my buddies just finished 12 straight games of bowling, when i was getting in my car to drive home a black jetta flew by me in the parking lot doing prob about 60 and ran right into a concrete pillar. She deff totaled her car, im not sure if she was injured buy she was not wearing a seatbelt and from watching her hit she deff is not getting out of that without ne injuries. Just wanted to know if anyone knew her, and if they do if shes alright cuz that was one intense wreck

Sounds like a jackass to me
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Originally posted by 04636Ninja:

monday morning at about 3 AM me and one of my buddies just finished 12 straight games of bowling, when i was getting in my car to drive home a black jetta flew by me in the parking lot doing prob about 60 and ran right into a concrete pillar. She deff totaled her car, im not sure if she was injured buy she was not wearing a seatbelt and from watching her hit she deff is not getting out of that without ne injuries. Just wanted to know if anyone knew her, and if they do if shes alright cuz that was one intense wreck

Did you at least stop to offer some kind of assistance? If (heaven forbid) she died, and you witnessed the wreck and did not offer assistance, couldn't you face some kind of charges? I mean if no one else did, of course.
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Guest Spyder550
Originally posted by CR Caddy:

Did you at least stop to offer some kind of assistance? If (heaven forbid) she died, and you witnessed the wreck and did not offer assistance, couldn't you face some kind of charges? I mean if no one else did, of course.
Nope. So far as my understanding of the law, no one is required to give help, but it is a crime to prevent or hinder someone else from doing so.

In some European countries, Germany for one, I believe, a motorist IS required by law to stop at an accident scene and assist.

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Fist aid, huh?


Man, that's gotta suck bad though, hope she's okay but still it makes you go "wtf" cause why the hell would you be going 60 mph in a parking lot, and why would you hit a pole? It's not that hard to avoid a pole at 60 mph. Probably drunk.

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