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i agree with some points, disagree with others...

in no way is riding a harley around DC "patriotic"...

I ride my motorcycle because i enjoy it, and i'm glad i have the freedom to do so, but that doesn't make me patriotic...

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Only douchebags think riding around DC on Memorial Day weekend is patriotic. It's actually a pretty un-patriotic thing to do. Disturbing those visiting the memorials is a pretty dick thing to do. I can only imagine the amount of noise generated by those blowhards. If you've ever traveled down through that area it's already a PITA as it is, I can't imagine having to deal with thousands self absorbed riders traveling in giant circles.

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Riding the bikes may not be patriotic, but i have been in dc during the rolling thunder tour and alot of those guys are war vets and i am sure they know what its like to face death for there country. whoever wrote that column has probably never been on a motorcycle

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Only douchebags think riding around DC on Memorial Day weekend is patriotic.

I was there and I was in the parade. You may say it's not patriotic but say that to the vet that lost both of his legs over seas out in the heat waving a flag and soluting every bike that drove by.

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I am a combat veteran and wanted to go… not so much is the riding through the capital a patriotic event but it is the sacrifice to ride all the way there….. just the display and support for our troops, alive, missing, and dead is a great respect in my opinion. As long as they are there for the right reasons it is a great show of respect for those who have served. It’s the ones that sit at home and forget why they have the freedoms that they do that are the ones that are really un-patriotic.

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Riding the bikes may not be patriotic, but i have been in dc during the rolling thunder tour and alot of those guys are war vets and i am sure they know what its like to face death for there country. whoever wrote that column has probably never been on a motorcycle

Being a vet doesn't excuse you from being a douchebag.

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I was there and I was in the parade. You may say it's not patriotic but say that to the vet that lost both of his legs over seas out in the heat waving a flag and soluting every bike that drove by.

I would be more than happy to.

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Being a vet doesn't excuse you from being a douchebag.

I dont believe they were saluting the person.... but maybe their service.... regardless if there a "douchebag" or not they have made a sacrafice that most people will never have to endure.

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I would be more than happy to.

That right there shows you shouldn't be one talking about what is and is not patriotic. I rode 1k miles in a weekend to show my support. You ride 30 minutes to enjoy yourself.

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That right there shows you shouldn't be one talking about what is and is not patriotic. I rode 1k miles in a weekend to show my support. You ride 30 minutes to enjoy yourself.

I served four years for no other reason than to serve my country.

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Ah see I'm not a big enough dick to say your service didn't count.

posted before your retraction, that was a little bit much, I just dont see what is so bad about people riding together for something they believe in (if thats what they went for) most people on here love to go and tear the roads up regardless of the noise it creates.

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But you are a big enough dick to say that vets that left body parts behind aren't patriotic enough for your taste. That's better.

and now you're full of shit. I never said that. Feel free to spin my posts however you like. I said the ride that's performed is un-patriotic of them. I never once said they aren't patriots or aren't capable of be patriotic.

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Point 1: Riding around DC does NOT make you patriotic, regardless of what bike you ride

Point 2: Anyone who served for the purpose of serving deserves my respect...regardless of how many body parts they left behind

Point 3: long lines of motorcycles clogging up traffic is annoying regardless of what city you're in...

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posted before your retraction, that was a little bit much, I just dont see what is so bad about people riding together for something they believe in (if thats what they went for) most people on here love to go and tear the roads up regardless of the noise it creates.

Yeah but it's crowded there on other weekends as it is and is even more so on Memorial Day weekend when a huge number of people walk through the mall area and the other sites to remember and reflect on the sacrifices that have been made. This is one of those times where it's appropriate to have quiet moments of remembrance at the different memorials. Try having that when you have thousands of rather loud pipes rumbling around constantly. Hell sitting next to just a couple of HDs is annoying enough, I can't imagine having to deal with the number that were there and trying to pay respects.

For what its worth, I have been down there when larger group rides have gone through the area and even then it's more than noticeable.

Also, you can be as big a dick as you want and I would never discount your service.

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all in all its just a different type of parade..... it may be loud yes but its still just a parade.... regardless of how much traffic it blocks, alot of people complain when it doesnt fall into the catagory of what they think is the "correct way" to remember the fallen ( and Im not pointing fingers at you Fusion)

FYI I salute all who have served and respect whatever way people like to celebrate remembrance. That is one of the freedoms we enjoy because of those who have served and died for this country.

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