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all in all its just a different type of parade..... it may be loud yes but its still just a parade.... regardless of how much traffic it blocks, alot of people complain when it doesnt fall into the catagory of what they think is the "correct way" to remember the fallen ( and Im not pointing fingers at you Fusion)

FYI I salute all who have served and respect whatever way people like to celebrate remembrance. That is one of the freedoms we enjoy because of those who have served and died for this country.

From the Rolling Thunder newsletter:

"We must remember, it is a demonstration. That’s right, it’s a demonstration. It is not a parade, or a rally, or a protest, or a motorcade or a procession. It is a demonstration and it is our right as Americans to demonstrate

against something we believe needs to be corrected."

They had their Ride for Freedom event to demonstrate for better health care for Veterans. I agree they need better health care especially for those that were injured in service...but... 1) this wasn't Veteran's Day, this is Memorial Day when we remember those that have died in our Nation's service. 2) Their demonstration causes thousands to ride around DC all weekend. At least a parade has a start and finish.

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well, if it's a demonstration...then it falls under certain rules and guidelines

"Nevertheless, the U.S. Supreme Court has developed several working principles. For example, the Court has recognized the government’s right to regulate public spaces—such as public parks and streets—and to maintain public order; demonstrators cannot simply take over a busy street in the name of free speech."

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From the Rolling Thunder newsletter:

"We must remember, it is a demonstration. That’s right, it’s a demonstration. It is not a parade, or a rally, or a protest, or a motorcade or a procession. It is a demonstration and it is our right as Americans to demonstrate

against something we believe needs to be corrected."

They had their Ride for Freedom event to demonstrate for better health care for Veterans. I agree they need better health care especially for those that were injured in service...but... 1) this wasn't Veteran's Day, this is Memorial Day when we remember those that have died in our Nation's service. 2) Their demonstration causes thousands to ride around DC all weekend. At least a parade has a start and finish.

I was wounded in Iraq in 2006 and still have not yet received treatment or the compensation I deserve, apparently my eardrum getting blown out and the shrapnel they pulled from my neck cannot be related to the IED blast that went off next to me..... So if they were making a statment for better health car for Veterns I'm all for it..... it does need changed. I guess it just depends on how you look at it.... Im ok with it.... its just a matter of opinion i guess, which is whats great about this country is we are able to do things like that.

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I was wounded in Iraq in 2006 and still have not yet received treatment or the compensation I deserve, apparently my eardrum getting blown out and the shrapnel they pulled from my neck cannot be related to the IED blast that went off next to me..... So if they were making a statment for better health car for Veterns I'm all for it..... it does need changed. I guess it just depends on how you look at it.... Im ok with it.... its just a matter of opinion i guess, which is whats great about this country is we are able to do things like that.

I understand and I agree. I know how bad the VA sucks. Why not have the event on Veterans Day though? Veterans Day is set aside to remember all veterans past and present dead and living. Why hijack a day set aside to remember those that have passed in service?

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I understand and I agree. I know how bad the VA sucks. Why not have the event on Veterans Day though? Veterans Day is set aside to remember all veterans past and present dead and living. Why hijack a day set aside to remember those that have passed in service?

I wouldnt say they "hijacked" it but just celebrated it in there own way... I dont agree with moments of silence for the fact that nothing about war and death is silent.... I want to be remembered with gunshots and drinking and sure some roaring exhaust from a bike ( I do agree not a HD tho) maybe a nice two brothers sound playing taps... lol

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I really cant believe this discussion is taking place... :nono: They rode through DC they showed their support for our troops, vets, MIA, etc. etc. if it was that big of a problem to people use your freedom and go some place else.......

Way to read the thread. :roll:

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Like I said , I was beside myself because of what this guy wrote in the chicago tribune, acting as if his way of remembering or honoring was superior to those of us who chose to honor in a different way. Acting as if we who ride shouldn't be able to express ourselves in this passion we all share. I agree that maybe a different holiday might be a better setting to demonstrate, but you have to admit this, it puts into our thoughts and actions that we need to do more not less. Speak out for those who gave all and some. The VA not only needs to take care of our new Vets but the past vets and their families who also gave the ultimate sacrifice. I think we need to honor them, but don't just stop at honoring. Go beyond.

And this is from a former infantryman proud to have served with and for these men and women I am proud to call brother and sister.

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Like I said , I was beside myself because of what this guy wrote in the chicago tribune, acting as if his way of remembering or honoring was superior to those of us who chose to honor in a different way. Acting as if we who ride shouldn't be able to express ourselves in this passion we all share. I agree that maybe a different holiday might be a better setting to demonstrate, but you have to admit this, it puts into our thoughts and actions that we need to do more not less. Speak out for those who gave all and some. The VA not only needs to take care of our new Vets but the past vets and their families who also gave the ultimate sacrifice. I think we need to honor them, but don't just stop at honoring. Go beyond.

And this is from a former infantryman proud to have served with and for these men and women I am proud to call brother and sister.

:plus1: Preach Moose. Our vets deserve to be taken care of.

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i just have one question to all of you sport bike riders. whats so wrong with a harley. do you not realize that harley was the first and longest company to build a motorcycle. i don't remeber Honda or kawasaki making a 1903 50cc. do you? who knows you guyz may not even have motorcycles with out them enventing one. do you also think that stunting is only done on a sportbike. who do you think started racing. they may not be the fastest thing out there but how many of you guyz think that you could take a 2 month trip on your cbr 1000rr, putting on excess of 600 miles a day at age 55. some of you guyz really need to understand that its not what you ride its that you ride. grow up.

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i just have one question to all of you sport bike riders. whats so wrong with a harley. do you not realize that harley was the first and longest company to build a motorcycle. i don't remeber Honda or kawasaki making a 1903 50cc. do you? who knows you guyz may not even have motorcycles with out them enventing one. do you also think that stunting is only done on a sportbike. who do you think started racing. they may not be the fastest thing out there but how many of you guyz think that you could take a 2 month trip on your cbr 1000rr, putting on excess of 600 miles a day at age 55. some of you guyz really need to understand that its not what you ride its that you ride. grow up.

I think the biggest problem I have with Harley is what the Harley riders have created. You're cool and are accepting of other brands, but how many Harley riders actually are?? Their not. Period.

Also, you cannot tell me that ANY Harley is engineered sooooo well that it deserves the rediculous price tag attached to it. Yours is prolly the only one even close. Their technology is obsolete, your paying for a fucking name and to be part of the "family", not quality.

If they made an airplane, would you fly in it??

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they may not be the fastest thing out there but how many of you guyz think that you could take a 2 month trip on your cbr 1000rr, putting on excess of 600 miles a day at age 55. some of you guyz really need to understand that its not what you ride its that you ride. grow up.

Nope. (I think you were asking a question there) And at age 33 I just got rid of my CBR1000RR for an FZ1, which I can and have done 600 miles a day on, and at age 55 if I ever feel that I can no longer handle light weight, superb handling, breakneck accelleration, and the ability to stop on a dime, then I may consider a cruiser. However, it will never be a Harley.

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If nothing else its deff the sound of those bikes that would drive anyone crazy! I hate the way they rev their loud ass bikes everywhere they go! Loud pipes on them irritate me and i love motorcycles!

So you don't like the sound of a properly tuned RC51 or Mille?

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I've got a suzuki cruiser, am I not allowed to have loud pipes? And I know alot of suzuki cruisers that have louder pipes then some harleys. Go to Volusia owners leauge and find out. Or check out you tube... lots of metric cruisers have loud pipes too. So I ask do you have a problem with them too, or is it just a pre-concieved notion that all guys with loud pipes are ass-holes? Cause personally I'm a pretty easy going guy. and I take offense to being judged solely on the bike I ride, isn't that what you don't like about the alleged Harley Dudes?? And I also ride with harley groups, and they seem pretty nice and outgoing to me. But I notice some of you sportbike guys putting your noses up in the air when a cruiser pulls up..... just saying isn't it kinda the pot and kettle story here???

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"loud pipes save lives man"

every time i hear that out of an idiot cruiser rider (especially one who rides without their gear) I just want to find out where they live, and drive by their house at all hours of the night with a few kickers blasting techno music...

If loud pipes prevent motorcycle accidents, then loud stereos prevent car accidents...And i should have gotten one hell of an insurance break for my 67...

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"loud pipes save lives man"

every time i hear that out of an idiot cruiser rider (especially one who rides without their gear) I just want to find out where they live, and drive by their house at all hours of the night with a few kickers blasting techno music...

If loud pipes prevent motorcycle accidents, then loud stereos prevent car accidents...And i should have gotten one hell of an insurance break for my 67...

:lol: I actually got pulled over last year in Gahanna with the threat of a noise pollution ticket for the stereo in my T/A!

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"loud pipes save lives man"

every time i hear that out of an idiot cruiser rider (especially one who rides without their gear) I just want to find out where they live, and drive by their house at all hours of the night with a few kickers blasting techno music...

If loud pipes prevent motorcycle accidents, then loud stereos prevent car accidents...And i should have gotten one hell of an insurance break for my 67...

I'll keep that in mind the next time some jack assed sportbike comes flying up behind me at 100 plus then decides to go around me and cut me off, so as I said there are butt-nuggets on both sides , and just because I like the roar of my cruiser doesn't make me a bad or reckless person... so I say to you sir... if ya can't stand the noise, go somewhere else!

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I'll keep that in mind the next time some jack assed sportbike comes flying up behind me at 100 plus then decides to go around me and cut me off, so as I said there are butt-nuggets on both sides , and just because I like the roar of my cruiser doesn't make me a bad or reckless person... so I say to you sir... if ya can't stand the noise, go somewhere else!

So you admit people with loud pipes are "butt-nuggets"? :D

Why would the other person have to leave if you pull up on a loud bike?

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my neighbor has straight pipes in his harley, he would ride past my house at what seemed like red line at all hours of the night, cause he would work 2nd shift..come home tinker with his crapster, scream up and down the road, tinker some more, scream up and down the road...

7:00 am came around, i got in the 67, strapped it to the battery charger, cranked up the 20,000 watt stereo, came in the house, cranked up the house stereo, and I jammed until he left for work at 3... I think he got the message...

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i love the sound of a nicely tuned rc51 tl1000r the aprilla, and the ducks with the dry open clutch. Hey zerocrash is the fz1 considered a supersport. or a sporttour. stock the come with a more neutral seeting position. I like that bike. Maxpowers bike is just as loud as my harley. Also this goes to the guyz complaining about there loud pipes. There isn't many metric cruzers that can produce that great vtwin sound that a well tuned harley does. I've heard plenty. i can only think of one brand. and they went so close to the design of the motor that they did the external pushrods on. i love the yammy's to. So there has to be something if every manufactuer is making a copy of harley.

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