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New(to me ) car


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My honda huffed last week so I went car shopping last weekend and ended up getting an older 3000gt.


Its a 91 VR4. Its all stock and has a bunch of stuff replaced so I am hoping as long as I am nice to her she will hold up for a while.


Its red with black leather. The interior is fairly good shape and the exterior is also in really good shape. I know this is useless without pics so I will try and get some up soon.


Any recomendations for message boards?


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Originally posted by AudiOn19s:

Crazy small world...I'm 99% sure that the car you bought is from the same family that just purchased my BMW. They kept talking about their old VR4 that they were getting rid of. Seemed like good folks that take good care of stuff.



i wanted to have sex w/ that bmw... graemlins/leghump.gif


and congrats on the VR-4 graemlins/burnout02.gif

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