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better think twice about video taping reckless behaviors


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Guest sixpackstang
Ya I know what you mean. Usually I'm the one people tell it too b/c I don't read the boards every day and check every post. Normally I'd be the last person to tell you its a repost, but for some reason I felt like it today?
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Originally posted by Tulo:

That's fucking hillarious :Dgraemlins/slap.gif

How can I get to the link so I can save it?? :confused:

Damn man, didn't I do this for you before? tongue.gif


Right click, save as


Edit:It's a playlist, so you can't save the media. You can save the playlist to view on demand, though.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Damn man, didn't I do this for you before? tongue.gif


Right click, save as


Edit:It's a playlist, so you can't save the media. You can save the playlist to view on demand, though.

But how do you do that? :confused: "You can fish for me and I will eat for a day, or you can teach me to fish and I will eat for a lifetime." Please, teach me to fish. :D
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Originally posted by Doug:

Could they have refused showing the video to the cops?


I've been in this situation before and some quick thinking by a friend saved our asses smile.gif

I would assume, unless you are arrested, that they cannot search your car unless you give permission.
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I'd like to hear from the VW people how the video tape was handed over. The person video taping has got to be just a moron. ~I've been video taping the last few hours of our trip doing all the wreckless driving these cops are pulling us over for. Lets keep the video camera in my hand and wave it around infront of the police until they ask for it. Then hand it over without any questions.~ graemlins/slap.gif Oh well if they are that dumb they should get caught.
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Good lawyer can easily get them out of that.


If the cops didn't witness any bad driving = they will never make a ticket stick in court.


For the video tape, if it was illegally obtained = can't stick in court. If the cameraman actually handed the camera over, well....that's his own damn fault.


That said, if they can't get license plates on the cars further from the camera doing illegal stuff, and can't 100% prove it was a certain car, a lawyer can easily get someone out of that too.

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