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speeding ticket help


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today I got a 49 in a 35 giong down e livingston ave in a speed trap. I was moving to my new house today, and as I turned off a street and accelerated to the speed limit I notice a cop up ahead in the right lane maybe 2-3 hundred feet infront of my turn. So I give it some gas and merge lanes. right then I see a cop to my right. Right past the cop with his lights on sits another cop, he pulls out and pulls me over. He had no one pulled over and was obviously there to create a problem on a busy street. Its no the end of the month and I know they have quotas to meet, but come on. Do I have any chance contesting this, being I was basically set up and forced to either speed or come to a complete stop to merge lanes because of this cop sitting in my lane with no one even pulled over??? sorry for the long post, lemme know what you think???? court date april 7th
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This wasnt on the bridge going over big walnut creek was it, sounds like the same shit they have been pulling there for years. One time I saw a cop hideing behind a broken down old ford van clocking people who would get pulled over by his buddy just down the road. Pretty sneaky indeed.
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right before haft ave where my new house is..i turned off of 256 and was going the speed limit then had to merge lanes because of this cop, but still manage to make my turn. I think its bullshit and hopefully i can do something about it.
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hmm i guess the thing about quotas was just an old wive's tale then.....the more I think about it I'm just gonna pay it, theres no way to argue the fact that I was clocked 49 in a 35. I sped to merge lanes I coulda hit the brakes as well....lesson for next time I spose.
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But did the Cop that clocked you give you the ticket?If you were ticketed by a different cop than the one that actually clocked you then they both have to show up in court or the case is thrown out.It has to do with "hearsay" being inadmissable in court.At least thats what I read in a book on how to get out of speeding tickets.There are actually Lawyers that specialize in these things so if you really need out of the ticket I would check with one of those guys.A friend of mine got one in a Company Vehicle so needed to spend big money to get out of a $100.00 ticket but his job was on the line.
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you know that was the main reason i replied the first time. but as you can see this information never made it into my post.


this is true that both officer most appear in court. normally the officer that clocks is the officer that writes, except in fine occasions like this.


just to let you know if you ever doubt an officer, dont be scared to ask them to see what they locked you in at. if they can not show you what they locked you in at they can not write you a ticket.

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Originally posted by 360 IROC:


just to let you know if you ever doubt an officer, dont be scared to ask them to see what they locked you in at. if they can not show you what they locked you in at they can not write you a ticket.

is this law? i am very intrested in this little fact
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Originally posted by 360 IROC:

just to let you know if you ever doubt an officer, dont be scared to ask them to see what they locked you in at. if they can not show you what they locked you in at they can not write you a ticket.

I hear that's BS...
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Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

Its BS the officer does not have to show you what you were clocked at. I dont know about the whole two officer show up for court or its thrown out. I believe thats BS too. I'll look into it tonight.

is it just me, or does someone else enjoy that there's a real officer on this site to cut through all the bull that people post about laws?
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yeah it's good to know that they are people too who have the love for fast cars and not just looked down on because they are police officers. i know a few that are insane about fast cars (and drive like it)lol. good luck with the ticket, if you do go to court you might be able to get it reduced.
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yes u are stuck with the ticket. and to my knowlege i do believe if u ask to see the gun they clocked u with they have to but if u dont ask then its not requiered. this si what i was told by a blendon township cop. realisticly every township or city cop is pretty much out there to write tickets. if u would have stopped u would have possibly gotten a ticket for that too. but it does suck because in driver classes we are tought to speed up to merge. no offense to any cops on here nuthing personal but the majority of cops arnt so much anymore what i would concider public servents like they are labled. i know a few who are dedicated and out to serve the public and not be a nusense but most that i have come across need slapped silly.
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Originally posted by 360 IROC:

cops dont have quotas to meet just to let you know

Actually Columbus Police don't have quotas. Other police do, like Blenden Township Police, they like to get people on Cleveland Ave between Morse Rd and 161. I've been pulled over on account of them having quotas before. Friend of mine, a Columbus Police Officer was telling me about them having quotas to meet.
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