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ticket question


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ok today i was driving home and i was in a bit of a hurry but not much. brother left his lights on all day and killed battery. well i had no jumpercables and he had to work at 4. on the way home i took old reidenhour and its 15. well i was in a hury so i was doing 27. cop came up the hill clocked me and then i was on the side of the road. this cop was the biggest ass to me ever. well i have a court date now. i he said 31 in a 15. well my freind herd about it and he called me asking if i got a ticket i said yes and it turns out to be he got one also. exact same spot so im thinkin ok thats cool. it turns out he was going suposedly going 31. the thing is he knows he wasnt because he had cruse controll on at 25. my question is is this bogus. i looked at his ticket and his is an almost exact copy of mine by same officer just 5 min later. should i fight this???
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eh talked to my brother, (sheriff in morrow county) and he said hes going to talk to the officer about it and see if he can get it dropped for me. my step-brothers whife is a cop for columbus and i guess she knows the cop. man i love cops in my family.
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Originally posted by Back_2_Reality_Of_Fury:

cruise doesn't work at 25... it's a safety thing so that you don't drive through residential zones with your cruise on... it won't turn on til 30... (at least on EVERY car I've owned)

it's old school vacuum operated cruise, i had a 85 ford escort that would cruise at 10 if you wanted.
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Guest Jonnygts
Originally posted by Assured Risk:

cruise at 25? lazy?


get an attorney = problem solved. Going rate for a not crazy ticket is 750 or so.

NO!!! Go to court then see what will happen. If the charges are bad, and you want them reduced, then ask for continuance and tell them you are going to get a lawyer. Trust me on this one, there was a guy who had about 5 tickets and he went in and they took off 4 of the offences w/o an attorny. I paid 750 for a guy i didnt even need at the pre trial(and i had street racing,speeding, lane change,and disobeying road markers, so it prolly wont cost as much as mine did). Dont waiste your money just yet.
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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by Old School Accy:

most gahanna cops are major dicks. most are that is

I used to think so, but you just need to know how to talk to them.


the only real dick on the force (ironically {sp?}) is shiela murphy (aka bike dike), of course i wouldnt be suprised if a member of gpd was on the board

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Originally posted by Back_2_Reality_Of_Fury:

cruise doesn't work at 25... it's a safety thing so that you don't drive through residential zones with your cruise on... it won't turn on til 30... (at least on EVERY car I've owned)

My 95 Jimmy (w/ electronic cruise) will set a 25MPH, but nothing below that. It's great for going through 25 MPH speed traps. smile.gif


I think my car does as well, but it's been so long since I tried setting it at that low of a speed I don't remember for sure. But I'm 100% sure on the Jimmy, as I've done that a number of times on my g/f's campus w/ the cops out and about.

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