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Originally posted by Avenger:

Does anyone have the addy for that website that tells what percentage of various cars is from the USA? I know it's out there, but I can't find it.


Also, is there any kind of site that gives the rough count of individual pieces in a car?

I beleive what he's trying to say is:

"Are there and websites which tell how much of a given car is manufctured in the United States, as apposed to parts manufactured over seas?


Also, where might I find out how many individual parts comprise my vehicle?"


In responce; What vehicle? If you get lucky, you'll find a vehicle specific site with some of that info, but not likely. Truth is, the plant foreman at your cars manufctuing facility probably doesn't know all that.

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What swimmingbird said! LOL I should know better than to type while drunk. It's weird that I didn't seem to misspell anything though/


Basically, the situation is that a buddy is giving me a little hell because my Avenger is basically an import. I, on the other hand, know that the car was assembled in Normal, Illinois. So unless Abe Lincoln's home state has seceded from the Union, that means my car is more "Made in the USA" than his Quebec-built F-body.

We agreed to let that lie, and just go by what percentage of parts are domestically sourced.

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