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U Wrench It price list?


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For a price list.. umm.. according to my sister in -law who use to work there.. they just go by a list of parts, and just type in the number. There's no real price list. That would get pretty freakin' huge if they did have one considering all the parts for cars they have.
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Im not gonna be able to make it up there for a bit. So I was just curious, last time I was there it was hanging on the wall.


If anybody has been there lately, did you see any 91-94 Exploders with a good front end?

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Originally posted by McGraw:

I asked for a pricelist a long time ago ... they have one on the wall but they won't give you a copy.

Last time I asked for one, they had print-outs of them. It might have been a lazy employee, or they did not understand you wanted a print out...perhaps they were simply out of them, and that person didn't know howto print a new one for ya, etc....


Unfortunatly, I no longer have the print-out, however....

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