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Can't get anything to go my way...


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Haven't had any luck selling my Caddy, and then this morning, the tranny started acting up. I was counting on selling this car before Christmas so that I could get my kids some presents, but at this point, I don't think that's going to happen. Now, my Christmas is going to be very slim, and I'm out a set of wheel until I can find someone to buy this thing. I'm hopefully going to get it home tonight where it'll sit until I can get it over to my uncle's house on the West side where it'll sit until sold with a bad transmission. I did locate a used tranny today at All Foreign, but I don't have the cash right now to purchase the tranny and have it installed (thanks for the quote Scott). Just gotta bite the bullet and go without a second car for a while.


I hate this time of year. graemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gif

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Nah... That's cool, and I really appreciate it, but I think that the grandparents pretty well have it taken care of. You know how it is though, Daddy should be able to handle it, you know? I really appreciate the sentiment and all, but I didn't start this thread to ask for help (unless you know someone that wants to buy a nice car with a not so nice tranny for cheap! ;) ) I just needed to vent a little. I really appreciate that within the first couple of posts someone is willing to come out of their own pocket to help another board member out. Thanks! It means a lot.
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Thanks Scott, but I drove it home tonight, and it seemed to do okay, so I'll just take my wife's car to work for a few days, then I'll take it over to the West side on Saturday afternoon. It'll be parked at my uncle's house on Hague Ave. till sold. I can't see putting $800 into a car that I haven't to date been able to sell for $1500. At least over there, someone might be interested in it for a grand even with a bad tranny. I really appreciate the offer though. Just not sure when I could get the money to buy the tranny, let alone have you extend credit to me.
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Things are starting to look up, talked to my grandfather today, it looks like he's going to "sell" me his 84 'burban at least until I get the Caddy sold, and have some cash to buy something a little more economical. At least I'm gonna have some wheels...
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