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Volvo VS. Guard Rail


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Yea so tonight i was heading west-bound on 104, and the road seemed to be pretty well cleared... just wet. I had two of my roommates in the car and we were cruising right along at about 65. Well, out of no where, i hit something... black ice, dark colored standing snow, i dont know. The back end made a nice twitch. The stability control did its job and got the car straitened back up but on its last little wiggle i hit something else. This was too much for the S40 to handel and went into a violent spin. Now... if you dont know about 104, its 2 lanes, a guard rail on one side, a concrete barrier on the other. The S40 went sideways and i began working the wheel and gas pedal to try and keep it from crashing. I spun it around 3 FULL rotoations and then went into a 4 wheel slide down the road. As i made a last ditch effort to bring the front end back around, the front end swiped the guard rail then came to rest.


I got out to look at the damage and was shocked. Not only that i had just takin on a guard rail with my new car, but that the damage wasnt more extensive. It just took it like a beast.


The front bumper is missing paint almost all the way across it. Theres a long crack in the bumper under the driver side head light. The grill is broken, and the hood got bent from the upper lip of the rail. The headlight wipers are pretty banged up, but the lights are fine. And i think i messed up the wiper motor or a relay of some sort.




So now i have to face the music... I need a new hood and front bumper, or a DAMN GOOD body shop that can fix it. If anyone has any ideas... ill take em.

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good luck man... remember, just because it looks like the body is straight doesn't mean it is.... I had a buddy who wrecked his car and the frame looked fine to me but when he took it to the shop, they said it was bent.


anyways the important thing is that you guys made it out without a scratch on you.


BTW, how fast were you going when you hit the gaurd rail?

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best palace i know of that could fix your car up would be dent magic, they specialise in paintless dentremoval but they also do bodywork. last time i was in there they were working on a is300 for germain of lexus. anyway glad to hear your alright.
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When the front end hit the rail... i was probaly doing about 40 but as it swung the nose was probably moving 60. In all honesty i dont know... i was franticly trying to keep the car from any sort of impact, that i wasnt looking at my dash.


The shit thing is, is if i would have had 3 more inches of space between me and the guard rail, i coulda made a perfect recovery. 3inches. I guess skills only go so far :(

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Actully i decided to take it to Mowery's Collision, INC.


One of my drivers is a 16yr manager there so i trust that he and his guys will do it right... because if he doesnt... he'll hear about it every single day ;)


Its going to cast me $500 out of pocket, insurence is covering the rest. I estimate about $5000 in parts/labor so a $500 hit is well worth it.

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I know how you feel,thursday night me and my girl friend was coming home in her civic that she just bought earlier that day and we hit a patch of black ice and did a 360 in the road and slid into a guard rail.so now her new car sits in the garage intill allstate decides when they are going to come out and look at the car
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Originally posted by Faster than Yours:

i would estimate nothing over 2000 not 5000 thats a little high for a hood bumper cover and a grill. even on a volvo


mowerys does good work

Well its more than just the hood, bumper, and grill. Its those, plus new monuts for the hood, and bumper, paint, new headlight mounts, new headlight wipers, motors, and mounts, new windshield wiper motor relays, new headlight bulbs, and probably some straitening of the front bumper reforcement. Not to mention he estimated about 30hrs of labor.... $60/hr is about $1800 by itself. He'll double check my lines, and alignment to make sure the car is still strait and everyhting.


Theres really a lot of stuff that got torn up. What you can see is only about 30-40% of it.

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