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Mysterious Brown Substance??

Guest 00Smurf

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Guest 00Smurf

While stripping the nx, i discovered i have a puddle of brown stuff leaking. I think it is gear oil, but i dunno what it could be from. The leak seems to be coming from the left axel where it enters the tranny. Anyidea what it is, what caused it and how do i fix it? lol thx in advance.






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Guest 00Smurf
Originally posted by Bgbdbn:

Looks like gear oil. Did your axle get pushed in and break a seal when that lady hit your car?

gear oil is what i was thinking. how woudl i fix the seal. it only leaks on the one side. the other is fine.


Originally posted by Vaccum Leaking V6:

looks like it might be coolant and oil

def not coolant and oil. its a whitish brown. mostlikely gear oil, just gotta figure out how to fix the leak now. neideas?
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It looks fairly apparent that is is coming FROM the transmission innards and not from the CV Joint..


If it was coming from the CV Joint it would be be on the rubber, also FLUNG AROUND in the general area.

Not leaking direclty from where the axle seal is in the tranny.


I'd suspect its the transaxle/gear oil leaking past the seal.

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Originally posted by Lepra-Shawn:

It looks fairly apparent that is is coming FROM the transmission innards and not from the CV Joint..


If it was coming from the CV Joint it would be be on the rubber, also FLUNG AROUND in the general area.

Not leaking direclty from where the axle seal is in the tranny.


I'd suspect its the transaxle/gear oil leaking past the seal.

You wanna put some money on that, cowboy?
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Sinces I've seen a few I'd say its contaminated CV axle grease. If the boot gets water in it it will mix with the grease and you get exactly what you are seeing. If not and thats a manual transmission then its gear oil and you need a new seal and change that shit because its really bad.



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Guest 00Smurf
Originally posted by Tractor:

Sinces I've seen a few I'd say its contaminated CV axle grease. If the boot gets water in it it will mix with the grease and you get exactly what you are seeing. If not and thats a manual transmission then its gear oil and you need a new seal and change that shit because its really bad.



yea its a manual. its been leakign as it sits on the jack stands.
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