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I knew better.........


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Well my girl has been driving my Corolla since we got rid of her POS,its the first RWD car she has drivin in bad weather and lost control on a off ramp. She didn't hit anything but slide off the road and got stuck,she tried to get out but in doing so I believe she fucked up the rearend cuz the right rear is locked-up so I towed it home and thats where it sits now. OK, down to one car,,,My Baby. She HAS to go to work and has no other way but to drive herself,,I work with some friends so I can ride with them.


She left this morning around 8:30 am. Around 10am I hear the car pulling in the garage....And right then it hits me,,,,SOMETHING IS WRONG!!! So I jump out of bed and meet her in the livingroom. I asked"Why are ya home?" She said,," Cuz the roads are bad" I looked outside and thought well it doesn't look that bad and then she says "Sit down I have to tell you something" She didn't have to say shit I knew already,,,She wrecked my fucking car!!! She bounced it off of a retaining wall coming around a off ramp. She is O.K, car needs a front bumper,corner light,fender, rear 1/4 work and maybe rear bumper.


Sorry for the rant but I am soo pissed I can barely see str8. Every time I play the nice guy it bites me in the ass. Oh yeah she gave me the "Its only a Car it can be fixed" line. I can hear that over and over in my head. I wonder how she would of felt if I would of told her" Your just a girl,,you can be replaced."

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yeah people period who don't know how to drive in the snow, let alone drive in the snow in a RWD vehicle that has some get up and go - that's a no no. I love my girl to death, but to let her drive my rx-7 once it's fixed and everything out in weather like this? No.



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and any person who says something is "just a whatever" - put something they value into that last line. "Oh it's just bracelet - it's just a tv - it's just a sofa" whatever. Just because you can't appreciate the work/time spent on the vehicle doesn't mean it's not worth a shit load to me. Anyone, girlfriend, mother(tho i really could care less what she says anyways) anyone that was close to me did something like that and tried to pawn off "oh it's just a car" id go off. I've spent numerous hours/pain/and yeah, tears over my rx-7. To dismiss the hardwork gone into it like that is like a slap in the face.


/rant off

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Originally posted by Republicant:

Just more proof that my law should be passed. see smurf's thread about that one.

I support this 100% my dad works at LSC (Legislative Service Commission) I should pass it by him haha. I had a bitch ruin my car before too. Girls suck at driving. Period.
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I love my g/f, but you'd have to be on crack to think I'd let her drive my vehicles in this kind of stuff. She doesn't have any long-term wheel time in them (none in my Formula), and definately none in bad weather.


That said, if she wrecked one vehicle, I'd have to be doing a LOT OF COKE to allow her to take my other car out the next day on bad roads.

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whas Joe said. You shouldn't have let her drive your 240. (I'm assuming that is what she wrecked.) And for god's sake, don't buy her an SUV. She'll think she's invincible and drive 50-60 when everyone else is donig 30 and cause a wreck.


- I actually saw some bitch doing 50-60 on 270 while EVERY OTHER CAR ON THE ROAD was doing a max of 30. I hope she totaled her big-assed Nissan SUV.

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Originally posted by BiG BeN:

the only possible way to handle this is to give her 2weeks to pay for damages. at wich time if she doesn't have the cash to do a proper job,she must start selling her ass.

i cant even really think of something to say about this... except...females and 200sx's do not mix..


my 98 blue 200...totaled i was driving along doing 65 on 270 "SHE" slammmed into the back of me.


my black 98.....sitting at a light on a hill. (5speed car) i let off brake to grab some gas and the "FEMALE" behind me seen brake lights go off and floored it running her pos yoto in the back of it.



99% of females cant drive worth a shit


and i can prove it...grab your girl...put her in the front seat of your car,hell even her car. walk up to the front...stand infront of the car and ask her about how many feet away is the car from you. they have do fucking idea. women have no depth perception.

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He did know better... see topic? tongue.gif


I guess you can let her pay it off with more ways then one. I'm sure everyone on here can give their 2 cents on how if you're not creative enough.


I wouldn't have to cut the grass or wash the cars for a very long time if I were you. heh

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Sorry to hear about that Doug. I know from what I have read, that you have put a lot of time and money into that thing.


But seriously, it is just a car. It can be fixed. Who gives a fuck about material posessions. Think if she was seriously injured or even died- then the amount of damage to the car would make no difference to you. Be thankful that she wasn't hurt. And- if your car means more to you than she does, find another girlfriend. No offense but you are wasting each other's time.


I don't really know you... we were gonna race and we have traded PM's a few times, but that seems really shallow to me. Don't get me wrong, it's a miserable feeling to know that the car is fucked up, especially after how hard you have worked. When it comes down to it, it is JUST a car. A tv is just a tv. A bracelet is just a bracelet. I can't think of anything more important to me than my loved ones.


I know you are angry, but just take a deep breath and try to calm down a little. Just look at this as a learning experience, not as something so terrible. She/you have insurance, it will get fixed.


Maybe for a second think about how you would feel if she died driving your car. It coulda been way worse, mang.


Instant message me if you want to know more of my opinion/experiences, mjeosu27 on aol.


Take care :cool:

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