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and on the way back from norwalk i get hit on the bike

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fricken drivers that dont pay attention! :mad:

just got on 33 from 270 iwas in the left lane and a guy in a civc changes lanes right into me.

i blared on my harn, he even looked at me, but still turn right into me :mad:

he later said hedidnt see me :mad::mad::mad:

right side f my bike got skuffed up.

i had my helmet and leather jacket on, didnt have my gloves on so i got a few scrapes on my hands., nothing bad.

scraped my knee and bruised my elbow.


not sure what the insurance company is goign to do with my bike yet.

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Originally posted by StockV6:

Damn, you made it the whole time following me down that shitty shortcut road only to get hit by a civic! Let me know if I can help ya hunt down some parts.

im gonna wait and see what the insurance company does, but i had the urge and stoped and looked at some R1's and zx-10R's. Not being able to run faster then a 10.9 is pissing me off, and them black R1's are looking fine.

now i just got to let somebody i know let me ride one so i can tell if i like um smile.gif


+1 watching you dodge horse poo was funny
wasnt to funny but i like to ride extreme graemlins/lol.gif
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anybody else see that blue dodge van on 71 swerve at me purposly, twice?

i got in on it with him on our way back, he was tailgating me something fierce, when i was letting that black ltz lumina merge in ahead of me.

i lite my brake lights, didnt do a break check or anything, then he pulls up beside me starts cussing me out then sweveres at me.

then i make the notion that im going to kick his door in with my foot and he swerves at me again.

realy pissed me off, was goign to trow a pocket full of change at him, but when i got it out of my pocket, he backed off and my temper calmed down


i had no love or luck that day

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