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Bad day for me and my 50

Chad is Dead

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Went out riding my 50 w/ one of my buddies. Ended up getting pulled ova off brice rd but he let us go as long as we walked the bikes home. So we had to walk our damn bikes 20min to get back to the house and he parked and watched us walk down the street so we couldnt start them back up. Than about 45 min later we were riding in a field and were racing. I'm 3rd gear pinned w/ street tires. Something fucks up and I eat shit. Now my leg is all cut up and I have a broken collar bone and sore chest and back. 50 is gansta and has nothing wrong w/ it. People said i flipped 3 times and the bike flipped 3 also and they said it was flipping higher then I was. Atleast I'll get a couple days off work.
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i dont get it.. i stunt ride and have wrecked 2 times.. but nothing bad at all... now you get all these street riders and they are crashign all opver the place and bad wrecks too.. everybike mentioned wrecked on here has been totalled with the exception of Bens ninja. am i missing something.. or are the crazy, outrageous unsafe stunt riders have more skill :D
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Went to the doctor today. Add to the damage 2 bruised ribs w/ severe trauma and I cant do alot of moving around because I could possibly have bleeding in my head so if I get anymore headaches, blurry vision, or naseua I have to go back to the ER. I still love my fiddy though!
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i think the hardcore twistie guys have the skill graemlins/grin2.gif haha. i haven't heard of any of the guys who ride the twists with a passion go down yet. dragknee and i are scratchless. had the bike for almost a year and a half with no incident. but i do research the hell outta riding. like hours of just reading about proper race technique. maybe once i get my leathers this/next week i'll drop it :(
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