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Any suggestions on aGood fun starter streetbike


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A friend an I are going to be looking soon on purchasing 2 bikes soon and was wondering what would be a good bike to start on. a bunch of people said anything in the 600 class. They also said stay away from the katana's. so if anybody can shine some light this way I would appreciate it greatly. thanks guys/girls tongue.gif



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If u have 0 expierence on a motorcycle i wouldint recomend getting ne of the new 600's, 1.because you'll most likely drop it, and it costs a shitload to replace parts. 2. the new 600's have way too much power for a n00b. The late 90's cbr's would be good, and yeah the katana has about the power you want on a starter bike, but it weighs an assload. I started on an EX500 (Ninja 500R) and i would deff recomend that to neone who hasint ridden before. Has plenty of power to keep you happy for at least a season, and you can pick one up pretty damn cheap, ive seen late mid to late 90's with only a few thousand miles on em for around $2500. Just my 2 cents, ive watched to many guys who dont know what their doing buy brand new 600's because they think their not that powerful and fuck themselves up on em, have fun, wear ur gear, and be careful!
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If your a responsable person, get whatever you want. Even a liter bike.. The bike wont do anything unless you make it. So if you have some self disipline and patience, get whatever you want. Keep in mind though, that whatever you get.. You WILL eventually drop it. So plan ahead and get the gear to help prevent it or help lessen the damage (frame sliders, steering damper, leathers with armor).


If you dont think you can keep your urges for speed or whatnot, in check.. Then I suggest to start with a mid 90's 600cc, or even a 500cc bike. They're relatively cheap to buy, operate, and maintain. Try to get something with a large aftermarket too, like the SV650 (HUGE aftermarket), or F2/F3 CBR. That way replacement parts and upgrades are readily available, and relatively cheap.

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I just went and bought my first bike and I have only rode a couple different street bikes. I bought an 04 Suzuki GS500F, nice good looks, and more comfortable than the 500r Ninja(to me) but is a little slower than it. I just bought my bike to learn to ride, no stunting then I'll move up to something a little bigger.


Suzuki SV650 or a Ducati Monster 620 dark is going to be my next bike. I like riding twins :D

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thanks for all the imput guys. im either going to go w/ an R6 or a kawa 636. decisions decisions. if anybody has nething else to drop off it be appreciated. In by the way, I just want this bike to ride on it for now. no craziness like stuntin and such like hoblick's been tellin me haha.. thanks again




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