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Lady at work kills biker


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There is this lady that works on the floor at my company that killed a biker last tuesday.

SHe stops at a stop sign then pulls out on to the road and didnt see the guy on the bike. He didnt have a stop sign or anything. This was in town as well, the police said there were no signs of wreckless driving.

He wasnt wearing a helment and died.

she hasnt been charged with anything as of yet, supposably the police are still conducting their investigation.


Hopefully she oesnt get off easy, she needs to know the consiquences of not paying attention, as well of all drivers should

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+1 million.


I almost got hit last summer. Some stupied bitch in a mini van pulling out of her drive way. She fucking saw me and pulled out anyway!!!!!!! I had to go up on the sidewalk to avoid being hit. I'm buying a loud ass exaust this year. So the fucking car drivers can hear me as well as see me.

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i had a very close friend of mine die a couple years ago due to biking, this lady in a minivan didn't stop at a stop sign and ran straight through it, hit him hard enough to pop out one of the veins in his heart, like his aortic something I can't remember... but yeah he died damn near instantly. That was the only injury and he was fully geared up.


Be safe, wear your gear, and watch for everyone else because they sure as FUCK aren't watching for you.



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I don't understand it when I hear so many stories of bikers dying or getting hurt cause the car didnt see them when their like right infront of them.. What? It's not that hard to see someone on a bike, not any more difficult than seeing a car, just smaller. Whenever I see bikes, I SEE them.. I've never had trouble seeing them either.


People are retarded, I'm guessing.

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I don't mean to sound like an ass but as a bike rider, you should pay attention also as well as WEAR YOUR FUCKING GEAR!!! It's sad that the gentleman lost his life, but it is difficult to see bikes at time no matter how much you look. Bike riders should be extra cautious when riding because with our blind spots, it might hide part of a car, but it hides the entire bike. It seems like allot of the time, I encounter bike riders that try to push their way in front of me, or go in between a car and myself.... that's just plain stupid... also, last year, some buddies and I were driving down 270 and a group of bikes were driving at a very high rate of speed trying to race us etc... about 2 min's after we got off the freeway (my buddy lived right off the freeway) we heard paramedic sirens everywhere... turns out those guys ended up wrecking.... ya gotta be careful out there guys.. be safe!


This is not meant as flame bait, so please don't take it that way.... be safe out there people!

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He wasnt wearing a helment and died.

Enough said!!


As some of you know, I was in a horriffic bike accident last summer down in North Carolina. I hit a patch of gravel in a turn doing about 60 to 70 mph. I hit a curb, and a stone wall. The EMT said that if I wouldn't of had my gear on, I would of ended up in a body bag. My helmet had worn down to the inner linning. If you don't wear your gear, I have no remorse for anyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Zyklon

Tragic, very tragic. I hope she gets what she deserves. Not to mention that fact that she killed someone will be on her concience for the rest of her life.

-Zyklon Ratbiker

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