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I need a quick tip


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I am doing this as i type, so: I am installing an a/f ratio gauge. Somebody told me earlier that a friend spliced i into teh signal wire right at the ecu. That would be nice, EXCEPT as i look at the ecu, there are about 200 wires running into teh damn thing!

Does anyone here have a ford service manual that tells me which cable to splice into? Comon, black bird, this is usually where you shine ;) . Also, does anyone know how to reset my ECU? I am going to need to do it after i put on my new O/R x-pipe to turn the check engine light off.

Thanks guys.

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I have the Haynes manual for the 2000 Mustang...I'll look through it although I am not sure I can help. You are welcome to borrow it, just let me know!




Oh and you can reset your ECU by just unhooking your battery for a few minutes and then hooking it back up, but the check engine light will come back on after about 15 miles. You need to get a pair of MIL elims.


[ 27 December 2002, 06:48 PM: Message edited by: mjeosu27 ]

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Well, first i would like to say, Damn, my car sounds good. :D Also, my a/f gauge is a little funky. It's reading all the way lean. did i hook it to teh wrong wire on the O2 sensor? (none of them were labeled) There waere 2 white, one black, and one grey. I'm spliced into the grey. I seriosuly oubt that i am running that lean. Or could i really be running liek taht cuz teh ECU is freaking out due to the new pipes? And, BTW, i was on a pretty decent cruise tonight, and my check enging light hasn't come on once. Any input on the funky gauge?
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Go here and download th Ford Service manual for your car. This is the official Ford Service CD that they use at the delearships. It has everything you will need to know about your car from rebuilding the engine to tracking down suspension squeaks. Make sure you label the CD properly when you burn it, or it will not work. ;)


Your welcome :D

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Originally posted by FoundOnRoadDriving:

Well, first i would like to say, Damn, my car sounds good. :D Also, my a/f gauge is a little funky. It's reading all the way lean. did i hook it to teh wrong wire on the O2 sensor? (none of them were labeled) There waere 2 white, one black, and one grey. I'm spliced into the grey. I seriosuly oubt that i am running that lean. Or could i really be running liek taht cuz teh ECU is freaking out due to the new pipes? And, BTW, i was on a pretty decent cruise tonight, and my check enging light hasn't come on once. Any input on the funky gauge?

My check engine light didn't come on until about 50 miles. When I have reset my ECU, it took about 10-15 before it came back on again. And if you think your x-pipe sounds good now, wait about another 200-300 miles. Once it is coated with exhaust residue it won't echo as much and it will just sound really strong. Now just get the rest of the exahust system and it will be sweet.


Hope everything is running ok...



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I already have flow masters. I don't think I'll do exhaust manifolds for a while yet. Those look like a bitch. The starter is RIGHT THERE! Yeah, my light finally came on. I ordered the mil eliminators. Hopefully they'll be in thursday. Almost ordered some lowering springs, but i managed to hold off. I do have a little will power.
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