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hey quick question...on my way to work today i was driving and the clutch pedal got stuck to the ground and i had to coast down bethel road...i was in the middle of the street and i physically tried to pull the pedal out and the pedal lifted but the clutch was kinda soft. i was at this point still unable to shift. i pushed the car accross the street to a parking lot. when i got it to the spot i tried the clutch again and it worked just fine. so i pulled out and a half mile down the road and the clutch feels like its onlt half way up or released or whatever you wanna call it. now it wont let me shift and i had to slam it into 2nd just to get it to krogers on bethel. what could this be...help please.
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definately a master or slave cyl. (prolly master). Mine will do that too if you slowly press in the clutch - it'll go right to the floor.


If you stab the clutch a few times, it'll likely go back to feeling normal.

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i havent checked the fluid, i didnt have any idea what the hell would of caused it...ill check when i get off work. doesnt the master cyl work the brakes? would that have any bearing over my clutch? it just sounds like maybe the slave cyl would be closer...i dont know though...
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Originally posted by Jasons TSi:

definately a master or slave cyl. (prolly master). Mine will do that too if you slowly press in the clutch - it'll go right to the floor.


If you stab the clutch a few times, it'll likely go back to feeling normal.

i kept trying to pump the clutch and it was a no go...it just popped back out after i had pushed it.
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Check the fluid level. You will find that it is probably completely empty. If it isn't empty, you have air in the system somewhere and need to bleed it. Next check around the clutch pedal and slave cylinder for leaks. If neither is leaking, check the line from the slave cylinder to the master cylinder looking for leaks in the lines and at all connections.
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