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Alarm/Power Lock - help : )

Guest DaveMiester

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Guest DaveMiester

Hi all,


I'm looking to have an alarm/dor lock system installed on the party van. Its a

97 Olds. Anone have any good luck with the local soundwaves type stores?

Dealer wants AN ARMLOAD to do it. Actually just want the remote locks but thoght might

as well for for the alarm 2.


Any help is appreciated,






[ 25 April 2002, 03:03 PM: Message edited by: DaveMiester ]

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You can get universal type keyless entry systems at any Best Buy, but I wouldn't have them install it. If you don't already have power locks, they sell actuator motors also for about $20 a piece.


Your best bet is probably a stereo shop like Columbus car audio, but they will probably charge you a decent amount to do it as well. It isn't really that hard, you could probably do it yourself.


I set up a keyless entry system on my car that is activated by the aftermarket alarm that was already on the car, plus I had to add a actuator motor. It just takes some relays and wires to get it to work. If you need some help let me know, I may be able to give you a hand when I get some more time.

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CCA will butt-rape you in prices (at least everything I've ever had priced out there).


I had my alarm installed at Mobile Electronics; it works, but is a pretty basic alarm too. Was around $300 if I remember right; took the arseholes forever to install it...made some claims about the power locks on my car being weird; whatever. :rolleyes: I was there the whole time, so I know he wasn't joyriding in the car, lol.


I tried installing one in my Blazer. I got the actuators working really well, and got the relay's working, but still can't get the f'ing brain to operate the relays (I think it might be fried...likes to do some other weird stuff too). Its an alarm I had from a while ago I ripped out of my Camaro before trading it in, so I can't exactly take it back. ;)

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Does your van already have power locks?


IF you choose not to do it yourself I also would suggest auto preservers. The guy that runs that shop is pretty cool and down to earth (does A++ work)


CCA on the other hand everyone there acts like your car is trash, well used to anyway, havent been there for a while, but their prices were always high.

Oh, and no matter what DO NOT give CCA your address for any reason. They dont need it. I heard there is some foul shit that goes down in that shop (rumors) :eek:

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Originally posted by Innocuous:

Oh, and no matter what DO NOT give CCA your address for any reason. They dont need it. I heard there is some foul shit that goes down in that shop (rumors) :eek:

Yeah, I've heard that too from someone I used to go to school with, since transfered to another school, he knows people who have worked there and he said it happens. Regardless if it happens there or not never give audio shops or shops of that business your number, it can happen anywhere and it often happens in that type of business. So the moral of the story is don't give stere shops your adress ummmmka' (hehe, I'm glad I know how to build a square box and put speakers in and connect wires or else I might be fucked and have to go to a stereo shop).
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