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Breaking Story. Tiger Woods is done for the season.


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Why take the time to post that shit? Some people on here actually care about Wood or Golf. I personally don't play/watch golf, but Tiger has amazing skill.

Grow up.

+1.. I dont golf but am a big fan of Woods, he is only the best athlete ever, almost safe to say. So I guess to answer your question Yota.. I do and am sure others here probably do to.

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I'm not going to compare Woods to other athletes or Lance with his one testicle. Let's just look at what he has accomplished in terms of Golf. At his age.

Like I said, I don't golf, mainly because my temper would cause me to spend a lot of $$ fixing shit. But I do recognize that it is fucking difficult to get that little ball in that little hole on a consistant basis, AND to do so at a much younger age than your peers. Yeah everyone is on Tiger's dick, but there's a reason. He is amazing at what he does, and how he does it. If Jack N. was still dominating, you would hear his name all the time. But you don't. You don't have to like the sport...or even call it a sport. But you gotta give it up for the man.

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yeah you really cant compare athletes to one another...

each sport has its legends. mj, babe ruth, wayne gretzky, joe montana, schumacher, ali etc etc.

Agreed. get Tiger in a cage or ring and I'd tea bag him every time. On the golf course, he's a god.

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yeah barry bonds can hit 762 home runs, but he probably cant dunk like MJ.

MJ tried to play baseball but didnt do too well...

but we cant forget the ball player. bo knows!


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