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Trip to Cali and back


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My friend Dave gets a chicken kabob kind of thing for lunch. No veg of any kind, just a bunch of BBQ chicken on a stick. Looked much worse than the hotdogs on the rollers at Speedway...



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Our destination this day is Crater Lake, Oregon. I've been near it many times on other trips, but never went up to the actual Lake. Had to be done this time.

The road up was, again, fantastic. A smooth surface and tree lined road at lower elevations...



With loads of falls and rivers nestled in the trees...




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We crested a rise in the road and there it was, Crater Lake. Largest caldera lake in the US, six miles across and 2,000+ feet deep. Sealed system; no rivers in or out. The water is pooled rain and snow from over the years...







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Stunning views of the pristine water...




Good pic of Wizard Mountain, which is actually another small volcano that had risen after the major blast that took the top off the original volcano..


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Then we happened upon this handsome, suave and debonaire biker. I was the one taking all of the pictures so I only got 2-3 of myself. Dave took this one...


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Moving right along, we ride over to Idaho for a look around. Lots of nice curvy roads -kinda getting used to that now - and one area with a name that called us. We had to go there.

On the way up to Hell's Canyon....





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Said to be the deepest canyon in the US - depper than the Grand Canyon (note: I'm gonna have to throw the bullshit flag on that one- I ain't buyin' it. Still, it's a deep asssed canyon!)

The road into the canyon is around 30 miles long and it just gets narrower as you go in...







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At the end of the canyon is a rather nice little dam that creates the lake. I'm no expert on dams, but isn't it a generally bad thing when they're leaking water through the middle?





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The bad part of the trip is now upon us - the 2,000 mile hump back home to the wastelands of Indiana. Hoping to make it on the tires that I have on the bike now.

In the highly unlikely event I see something worth taking a pic of on the way outta here, I'lll post it. Might get lucky and get some tornado pictures or something of the storms that are raging all over the midwest right now. It's going to be pure joy riding in that crap.

Couple pics of the plains as well roll out of the mountains and head east....




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Best pictures EVER posted to this day on this forum!

Thanks for sharing!

AWESOME road on the last few pics too.

I've never realized how BEAUTIFUL the USA really is!

I need to do some road trips.

Had to quote because it got lost in the middle of the picture whoring..lol

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We did make it back in one piece. Right at 7,000 miles for the whole trip. The last several days were spent riding in 40F temps with rain / sleet and hail in Wyoming and Idaho. Then it turned to plain ol' rain from Colorado to Illinois. We rodew through the rains that flooded Iowa. Don't wanna do that again anytime soon.

So I get home, and what happens while I'm gone? 12" of water in my garage and workshop. Sucks! Plasma cutter, two welders, powdercoat gun and some tooling was all under water. I dried out the plasma and welder and I think they're okay. I haven't had the balls to plug them in to find out yet. Gonna let them dry for a few more weeks before I plug them in and burn the house down as they short out....

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Had to quote because it got lost in the middle of the picture whoring..lol


I posted up here and asked if anyone wanted to go along - didn't have any takers. Even tried to talk Satan into going.

Next trips:

July 8-15th we'll be in Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia farting around

August 15-25th (tenative) we'll be riding to Colorado again. My wife will most likely wimp out and fly to Breckenridge, Colorado and meet me there. She hates the midwest ride (can't blame her).

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Cool trip. What was the occasion....the race? Some guys from the XX board I hang on are ridin' out there also, for our west coast meet

Cool track pix!

No occassion; I do a two week long ride every summer and try to include a MotoGP or WSB race in it if I can. This year we chose Salt Lake as we'd never been there before on bikes.

Some years we head to Europe for a couple of weeks of riding. The US Dollar ain't worth shit right now, so we'll be doing US tours for a the next year or two.

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I don't know if I could ride that long on a sport bike. I saw a Yamaha in some of those pics, no?

My bud Joe did it all on an R1 - from CHicago. And it's his thrid tiome to do the trip. He did it on his 'Busa last year.

The guys from Ireland shipped their bikes (an R1 anmd a Gixer 1000) to Washington DC and rode all over eastern USA before heading west. We met up with them in Salt Lake City. They shipped their bikes back to Ireland from San Francisco. Their trip was nearly 4 weeks long while ours was only two weeks.

Allof the riders here are a bit older than most on Ohio Riders;

Me(ST1100) - 48

Joe (R1)- 42

Dave (FZ-1)- 45

Mark (ireland, R1) - 40

Vincent (Ireland, Gixer 1K) 52

So if us old farts can do it, you younger guys should have no problems at all. This the 5th time I've done this trip, Dave's done it 3 times and so has Joe. We'll probably do it again next year!

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Out of all the amazing shots you got.....Something about this one jumps out at me............


I think it's a combination of the twisting road, the elevation, the cliffs and the river winding through them clap.gif

Can't believe that cliffside hotel isn't ALWAYS booked & that you guys had it all to yourself!! :eek: Those roads in UT & CA look incredible!! thumb.gif

Aren't you the one who either works with or knows Travis, at the Indy Ducati dealer? I posted some pix of your Duc, showing it off over on my XX board, and he said he knew you & the bike

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