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wtf is a Xstraight edge hatecoreX


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I take it this post is regarding me.. More info on the whole, 'straight edge' idea This dosen't really answer what 'hatecore' is. Hatecore is a more extreme end of someone who is "Straight edge" I've been debating whether to change it or not, it's more of a joke with me and my friends. Hatecore is usually associated with a "gang" called Courage Crew but not limited to just them. Hatecore really is fucking stupid, pretty much what these hatecore crews do is go to hardcore shows in groups then single out people who are smoking or drinking or what not and then beat them up. They will walk down the street in a group and if they walk by someone smoking they will jump them, it's really fucking retarded. Courage Crew is almost always associated with the violent straight edge crews, they take it to the extreme. I'm not hatecore I'll probably change that part of my info it was stupid on my part. I'm not into violent straight edge, I'm just, well straight edge I'm against drinking, smoking and what not but I don't hold anything against people who do. I could really care less it's more of a personal choice then me going out trying to change people. I hope this SEMI-answered your question, if not feel free to ask. Don't flame me to much heh.
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Just like any sub-culture, there are going to be total fools that miss the entire point of what the sub-culture is about. These people have no heart, conviction, or honor (yet sing along to the atrocious amount of SxE hardcore songs about those subjects), and are only trying to prove how "cool" and "hip" they are. You should discount these people completely (or take the high road and try to educate them, which is VERY preferrable, but harder), whether you are Straight Edge or not. They will not stick with it.


There have been reports of "straight edge gangs" such as Monster Crew in Salt Lake City roaming about picking on people, but this is far from the norm. Monster Crew was responsible for pipe bombings of McDonalds and other places in Salt Lake, as well as a violent attack where a large X was cut into a guy's back with a beer bottle. However, these incidents are about the only cases of anything like this happening, and 99% of what you hear is fabricated rumor. So don't trust it. Like I said hatecore is pretty stupid but I have a few friends in Courage Crew and I give them respect as much as I disagree with their views.

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Ricochet:

what the fuck?

why do they care so much about other people's decisions, especially something like smoking or drinking where all they're doing is hurting themselves?

it would not be american if they did not push thier beliefs on people who could care less.
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Originally posted by Ricochet:

what the fuck?

why do they care so much about other people's decisions, especially something like smoking or drinking where all they're doing is hurting themselves?

I have no clue, I'm not part of it. Like I said it's fucking stupid.
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Originally posted by RX7dood:

so can i say this ? "i'm straight edge, except for the drinking part."

You can, but you won't be accepted into their gang and they'll beat your ass with a teddy bear.
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Hatecore is god damn retarded. I dont like labels, but hatecore goes against everything that straight edge stands for, straight edge WAS (I say was because its dead) a NON-violent movement.


Now someone answer a math problem for me.


Whats f"(x) of f'(x)= -2sin(4x^6)*24x^5

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wow. fucking retarded. i smoke and drink. i eat animals. want to beat my ass? i invite it. if you think it is okay to beat someone's ass because of these reasons, you have some really serious issues to deal with.


** not threatening violence. just offering. **

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