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Clarett causing more problems for OSU


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All of his allegations are totally believable. I remember I had some football players in my ECON classes, they showed on the first day, talked to the prof. never seen again.


Now, even more shocking, this happens at every university with a big football program. You cannot tell me that the "true seniors" interviewd on ESPN after 4 years of college can really sound like that much of an idiot.

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My God, read some of these comments: http://proxy.espn.go.com/chat/mailbagESPN?event_id=6460


OSU is a "shady school"? :rolleyes: Check out the fag JR from NYC who still can't accept that Miami lost the National Championship in 2002. LMAO @ "Bogus-Pass Interferece-Call-Title". What a jack ass, blaming the refs for the reason Miami didn't win... graemlins/gay.gif

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I don't think that clarret was humble enough to "take the fall"


and i've also was on his side saying that schools should pay players and he didn't do anything more than watch out for himself.


and if he were "blackballed" why whas he asked to go back to school and stay on untill his suspension was up.


He's a stupid, pre-madonna, fuck up. period.

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Originally posted by KBOND99:

What wrong?, some of you OSU fans think that your favorite college is sqeeky clean?

Huh? What thread are you reading? Since when is this about us thinking OSU is clean? This has to do with Clarett, who's been kicked out of the college, can't follow the rules, and now brings this up after the fact. He's trying to salvage what he can in hopes that an NFL team might draft him, all on the promise of one good college season... graemlins/jerkit.gif
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no we arent clean thats an easy answer but the fact that this kid is now pissed AGAIN and trying to draw some attention to himself AGAIN (where the fuck is bubbrubb at least he was entertaining) his main poor kid is angry because when OSU offered to have him back they weren't going to give him his perks ie: academic help to pass. AWWWWW open a book you stupid fuck, hopefully someday this shithead will slip in fall in the shower and break his neck. OH OH OH i wish, i wish, i wish.
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Originally posted by The Pikey:

Things must have changed a lot since my brother was playing for OSU. He didn't get any of the things Clarett is claiming to have received, and he was recruited just as heavily if not more than Moe.






Your brother played OSU football?? ;)


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Clarett has done a great job of ruining his future. He's a has been, has loads of baggage, & yeah now wants attention / screw him, we shouldn't waste our own time on this board giving such shallow trash any of our time either - redface.gif
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You guys just better hope he is lying. You saw what happened with the fab 5 I'm sure you dont want to miss any post-season games or big ten titles because one or more guys were getting payed.
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Originally posted by Rane:

You guys just better hope he is lying. You saw what happened with the fab 5 I'm sure you dont want to miss any post-season games or big ten titles because one or more guys were getting payed.

Maybe you missed this...



Originally posted by satan:

NCAA cleared OSU of all the charges.


Taken from http://msn.foxsports.com/story/3149688 :

"Investigations by the NCAA and the university have also cleared the school of the types of wrongdoing Clarett alleged, Geiger said."

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