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WTF is wrong....

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235

It says my displayed name is Veni Vidi Vici, but when I post it says Doyle Brunson Jr. It just confuses the hell outof me.


Also, every time i click my profile, View/Edit Profile, it freezes unless i click the stop loading button, then it works fine. I use "Mozilla Firefox" if that makes a differance on anything.


Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me? :confused:



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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

Why don't you try it in IE then. :confused:

That's not his problem because like DJ, and at least a few other people I know of on this board, I too use Mozilla (specifically Firefox). Plus IE sucks my balls, I wish I could 100% remove it from my machines.
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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Mr. 2:

Why don't you try it in IE then. :confused:

I don't like 1 million pop ups when I FIRST open IE. I'd rather have to just stop loading the page then live through pop-ups.


And yes, I believe I did get owned by mensan. graemlins/trout.gif

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