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Help! My fish are dying! (also 56k-death image inside)


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This fish is a big'un, and he was very slow and near death for days. graemlins/cry.gif This picture was taken just minutes ago, and even there he was breathing and making some tail movements...just very faint. WHAT IS THAT BIG, OPEN, ALGAE-COVERED ULCER?!?


My pond is also still cloudy. The fish get good koi and goldfish food, is there anything else I should add to the pond? Also note in the pic...looks like a lotta algae around.


THanks! smile.gif

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Freswater Oysters, clams, zebra muscles, SOMETHING to filter the water for christ sake!

Your gold fish has a big algea covered sore on its side that will probably never heal. Fighting it is draining the fish and killing it slowly....so get some crawdads to eat the dead fish.

How big is the pond?

How deep is the pond?

How warm is the water?

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damn, you may need to talk to a marine biologist, weather or not this is a fesable suggestion I really don't know, but thats really all i can think of, meby call a veterinarian? don't know if that would do ya much good either, damn dude, I hope the fish gets well!
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Get some test kits and test for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Do you have any live plants? I have a pond that is 1800 gallons with a ton of plants. Are all your fish that way, and how many fish are in the pond? It almost looks like a serious case of ammonia burn.
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Food, temperature, water, disease. Think about those, it sounds like you are feeding them well, but make sure. Is the water filtered and aerated? You also need to check the pH and salinity. Changing a large portion of the water somewhat often will keep the water in high quality.
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I built the pond in '02, and it's been very clear until this year. There was a LOT of that green, feathery plant underwater, but I'm not sure if the winter killed it off. Aside from that I have a huge broadleaf grass planter that's starting to grow again. Aside from vegetation, that's about it. I had a lily pad but the damn thing died from me pulling it out instead of dropping it all of the way to the bottom.


It's a deep pond. Not very wide. If I laid on the ground with my arm in the deep end (center), I can stick my whole arm in the water (COLD!!!) and barely touch the bottom.


As far as I know, that's the only fish with a problem. Hell...with the water pretty cloudy, I can't tell what died recently. I cant keep track of all the bastards in there!

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Originally posted by Zeitgeist:


4Meters by 2meters


...That's a puddle, and puddles are harder to keep fish in then ponds. Oxygenation is a fish's best freind. Weather can alter that, vegitation and temp can alter it, and also....have you used/changed lawn firtilizers lately? Keep in mind, it's still part of the water table. If you go to lake earie and grab a fist full of zebra muscles, they'll grow into all the filtration you'll ever need within a year. Gunna be ugle as hell though. You brought up another concern;
Originally posted by Zeitgeist:

Hell...with the water pretty cloudy, I can't tell what died recently. I cant keep track of all the bastards in there!

Rotting fish kill fish if they dont get proccessed by nature. To keep a healthy "pond system", you need all the "positions" filled, including that of decomposers. Catch some craw dad or get'm at a bait shop, toss them in, couldn't hurt. graemlins/thumb.gif
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