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Any information and/or advice is welcomed....


I'll try to keep this short and to the point. While driving home from the club tue. night an officer pulled my brother over. He wasn't sure why, maybe it was b/c his GF had her head out the window as she was puking all over the side of her car. But when he handed my brother a ticket for 54 in a 40mph zone (bethel road) he quickly realized why.


The reason for his haste was b/c she had to, um, relieve herself and she was so drunk he understandably didn't want her to do it in the car so he was trying to get home as quickly as possible. he pulled over before the officer even turned his light's on, by time he parked and took the keys out of the ignition matt (my bro) saw him pull up behind the car.


When the Perry officer ran her plates it came up that she was underage (20). Obviously he inquired what she was doing drinking underage. Matt informed him that he had not served her but the "establishment" did and that he was completely sober (which was true). He handed matt a ticket and told him to wait in the car for him to come "talk" to her. matt asked him what sort of penalty she would receive and he said most likely an "underage consumption".


My Question: For an officer to give the misdemeanor of an "underage consumption" doesn't he have to at least witness the act occuring or at the very least witness the subject holding an open container?


If they wanted to fight this couldn't they just say she had a bad case of food poinsoning?


the officer came back to the car and told them she would be receiving something in the mail. and that was it.

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Guest jpurdy2003

graemlins/nonono.gif Friends don't let friends snitch.


He probably would have gotten off fine if he said he was her designated driver. Cops love responsible people.

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No breathalizer was taken. The officer didn't even talk to her.


However your right matt did say "she's had too much to drink" which was deinitly a mistake. IF she get's any sort of ticket or misdemeanor then they COULD fight it by saying she had Food Poinsoning then it would be the officer's word against his.


But in retrospect it was definitly a mistake saying that. i'll kick him in the nuts for it.

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