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Errors on driving record....

Guest GSRchick714

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Guest GSRchick714

Ok so here's the deal..

A month or two ago I tryed to switch insurance companies and I went around to get some quotes, I was getting all of these crazy high quotes like $2,800 for 6 months! I only have one speeding ticket on my record which was almost 3 years ago, I have one NON-MOVING brake violation (light out), a suspension for 60 days and one ACDA ticket. A few of the insurance companies told me that the reason my quotes were so high is because my record shows like 3 speeding tickets, and 2 accidents. Is there any way to fix this? I've tryed about 6 times to call the Bureau of Motor Vehicles but I can NEVER get through. I don't wanna go down there if thats not even where I need to go. Does anyone know what I should do because I want to change insurance companies before my policy expires!! Thanks smile.gif


[ 27. January 2005, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: GSRchick714 ]

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Guest GSRchick714
No....I got high quotes when I had a LUMINA too...that doesn't make any sense. How long does it take something to fall off because I got the speeding ticket in 01 and the suspension in 02...
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Guest GSRchick714
**I just realized I said 2800 for 6 months, I meant 3...it was close to 6000 for 6 months and I KNOW thats not right. My ex boyfriend has like 2 speeding tickets and 4 jillion accidents and only pays 330 a month....???
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Guest GSRchick714
I wasn't sure because the reason I got the suspension was for speeding....I went to court and fought it because I was under 18 at the time (2nd ticket under 18 = no driving for 90 days)...anyways, what happened was I got the ticket moved to the brake light out and then just got a 60 day suspension w/ work & school privelages.
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Maybe you should stop getting into shit and your price will go down, I had an integra and then got a brand new car and my price only went up 40 dollars but I have a clean record, maybe you just should not speed.
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Maybe you should stop getting into shit and your price will go down, I had an integra and then got a brand new car that I have now and my price only went up 40 dollars but I have a clean record, maybe you just should not speed. Wings also increase insurance prices.
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Some insurance look back 3 years and some look back 5 years. Nationwide and State farm looks back 5 years and Progressive looks back 3. You might get a better rate with the ones that only look on past 3 years. Maybe not, but it depends on when you got the violations. As for the errors, you will need to talk to the BMV.
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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

Maybe you should stop getting into shit and your price will go down, I had an integra and then got a brand new car that I have now and my price only went up 40 dollars but I have a clean record, maybe you just should not speed. Wings also increase insurance prices.

No need to be an ass to me. LIKE I SAID, my last speeding ticket was in 2001...so I think I've quit "getting into shit" and no, my wing did not raise the prices, its a stock spoiler and nowhere on my insurance does it ever ask about it.
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One speeding ticket and one accident is not enough to make anyones insurance jump that high, otherwise, break violation being non moving won't even count on most insurance, so with only 2 points on her record I am betting she has less than a lot of people here so something is screwed up somewhere, Not her fault.


And wings also increase insurance prices? I hope you were kidding there not just stupid.

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Guest GSRchick714
Exactly...I just need to know how to get it fixed. I don't need people to tell me how to drive to "lower my insurance"...my record is obviously effed up because a few different insurance companies TOLD ME what was on my record and its NOT TRUE. I'm not stupid, all I need to know is how to go about fixing the record so I can get some accurate quotes and get with a new insurance company. :rolleyes:
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yea..sounds a little fishy...i have 1 failure to yield ticket, and 1 wreckless op for crashing the Viper...although our original insurance company chose to drop us :D our new company has me paying around $2800/yr on my Audi
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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

No need to be an ass to me. my wing did not raise the prices, its a stock spoiler and nowhere on my insurance does it ever ask about it.[/QB]

I'm just kidding with you, no need for panties in a bundle its just the internet. I thought you had a GS-R not a type R how is you wing stock? When I was looking for cheaper insurance I went to progressive the online thing and filled it out and kind of played around with it to see what sort of options would lower my insurance, it sucked and took a while but if you read the information that they provide for you in the questions it can really clear up what sort of things that you're really paying for and stuff. I wasn't being an ass just so you know. smile.gif
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Guest Harris92
Have you tried progressive? They normally have pretty good rates, and that does seem too high if that is your record. A 99 GSR for a younger person, is going to have pretty high rates though. Good luck with your search, and let me know if you find anything out on progressive, because if progressive says its that high, then I would venture to say something is wrong
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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

Exactly...I just need to know how to get it fixed.

Any tickets served to you for violations you have committed would have your signature on them.


Try to get more info on these false violations from your insuarnce company (date, time, city police dept, etc). You can also request a copy of your driving record for the past 3 years for $5, but that probably won't give you copies of the documents, just a computer print out I'd guess.


Anyways, once you get your record it might have the correct info to show the insuarnce agencies, or the false data which you would be able to check into... should have the date, time, city, etc of the violations and you would then go to the Worthington Police Department for example, and request a copy of your "speeding ticket" from May 5th of 2004.


Hopefully they will provide a copy, or realize that it was a mistake and punched in a number wrong and it's really for some other Emily, some other Integra, some other similar plate number, etc. Or maybe they do find something with your name forged, if it looks terrible and nothing like yours then you will have something to go on. If it's a good forgery, then you may need to look into this as well.


You get the idea. You'll need to find out what police department has the reports for the false speeding tickets and accidents, and then go to those places and find out whats going on.


Good luck.

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Guest GSRchick714
Finallllly someone understands that I'm not looking for a cheaper insurance company! All I wanted to know was how to get my record fixed so tahnks Steve!! I'll probably try to make it down there this weekend or something..ugh I hate waiting in line there!
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