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Windsor Story

Trouble Maker

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So last weekend me and some people from school went to Toledo on Friday night and stayed at two friends of ours place, then went up to Windsor and stayed there Saturday night.


We finally got up to Windsor through all of the snow at a little after two. All of the snow was great, because of it we couldn't get any cabs or shuttles, so we had to walk everywhere and it was -29 in Detroit and very windy. Good thing I couldn't feel anything after we left the first bar to go to the second bar.


But before any massive consumption of beer and spirits was to occur, we must first go ceremoniously sacrifice money to the Windsor gods. So Saunders and Jim were on one Black Jack table but we didn't see them so we went to another Black Jack table. While walking there we passed Frye and Joy at the Roulette table. Me, Nate, Matt and Bix all went to the other table. We all started out with $100 in chips, and we all pissed most of it away but Nate. Nate said he was going to leave when he doubled his money. He bet $50 and like his cards, so he doubled up, and won. He had turned his $100 into $200 and got up and left.


I was still at the Black Jack table and everyone else had gone down to the Roulette table. I hear some clapping coming from there, so I think to myself "Damn, wonder what I just missed?" I get done with Black Jack and walk down there. Saunders boss always gives him $20 when he goes up there to put onto 27. It hit, payout on numbers is 35:1, 35*$20=$700! I think, damn, that's pretty cool. I look down at Nates stack and he has 7 stacks of 20 chips. I ask someone how much they are worth a piece and Saunders told me $5 a piece. That means Nate has $700 sitting in front of him. Remember, he started with $100 at Black Jack, turned that into $200, and had just walked down there about 20 minutes ago. He was just putting $5 on 3 or 4 numbers and kept hitting here and there. He hit when Saunders hit on 27, and he kept putting on 27. Well 27 hit three times in a row about 10 spins later. Nate ended up walking away with ~$1000. Needless to say, Nate bought quite a few drinks that night.


I just thought I'd share because I though it was a pretty cool way to start out a night up there. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Hahaha, Nate always has ridiculous luck! graemlins/nod.gif


Good to hear all you old guys had a good weekend. I was at school to visit and to congratulate our new guys, pretty good weekend overall. Say, have you been keeping up on current events at school? Ha. :rolleyes:

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Guest GSRchick714

Last time I went to Windsor I won 300 nickels-haha! It was prety exciting...spent only like $10 at the casino and I played on the slots for 3 hours!!

..But the best part of Windsor is the clubs...I get frustrated at the casino because all of the grandmas hog the machines :rolleyes:tongue.gif

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I heart gambling.


Great story - hopefully you guys continue to see good luck.


BTW, do they have any poker tables up there? I should know - I've been to Windsor - but I spent most of my time when I was there in the strip clubs, and the whole memory is kind of hazy.

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Originally posted by Venomss:

I heart gambling.


Great story - hopefully you guys continue to see good luck.


BTW, do they have any poker tables up there? I should know - I've been to Windsor - but I spent most of my time when I was there in the strip clubs, and the whole memory is kind of hazy.

Lol. Yeah, I hope we continue our luck too. We all did decent the time before that. Three of us started out with $100 in chips at the Black Jack table, I had ~$400 at one point, Saunders had ~$300 and Nate ~$600. Jim only started out with $40 and had $240. Then we kept playing and all pissed it away. That's why Nate adopted the 'doubling' policy. Only person who did shit at Black Jack this time was Nate. The cards were horrible; the dealer got 6 or 7 black jacks while we were sitting there. graemlins/cry.gif


They have weird Poker tables, like Caribbean poker and some others. I don't know how to play any of them or what all they are though, easier to win (or not lose as much) money at Black Jack. I usually just walk by; sometimes stop with a passing interest for a few seconds. I've never watched long enough to pay attention to how the games are played.


I'm sure they have Hold em' tournaments sometimes too, just have to figure out when they are if you'd rather play that game.


Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:

Hahaha, Nate always has ridiculous luck! graemlins/nod.gif


Good to hear all you old guys had a good weekend. I was at school to visit and to congratulate our new guys, pretty good weekend overall. Say, have you been keeping up on current events at school? Ha. :rolleyes:

Thanks man. Yeah, Nate is ridiculous. That $600 he had the time before last was the result of betting all $300 he had (table limit), and winning.


Yeah, I’ve been talking to Steve fairly often about school affairs as of late. A bunch of bullshit. :rolleyes:


I'm going up to Mad River for a few hours after I shower and pack up, then heading up to school. I'm planning on getting wasted and leaving a shit on some of the administrations lawns.

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Originally posted by RexSeven:

did you see the cheeta vans driving around? That is some funny crap. A strip club that drives around to pick people up. That is a fun place.

Haha, no. I've actually never seen it any of the times I've been up there. But I guess one of the guys I was up there with got an offer for a ride by some older ex-stripper looking woman in that van a different time he was up there. I'm betting that van wasn't driving around on Saturday (8-12" of snow everywhere).
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HAHA, you went to two of the bars I always go to when I'm there. (Honest Lawyer and Patty O'Ryan's) I missed ya by a week though.


Did you have any trouble getting back a cross the border? It took us 15 min at the booth as the guy lectured us about needing passports.

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Originally posted by Venomss:

I heart gambling.


Great story - hopefully you guys continue to see good luck.


BTW, do they have any poker tables up there? I should know - I've been to Windsor - but I spent most of my time when I was there in the strip clubs, and the whole memory is kind of hazy.

why drive to windsor when you can play with us, fool!? oh wait, i forgot, your cell phone got turned off/ girlfreind is over/ ex is crazy/ roads are bad/ dog has the flu. thats cool man, i guess windsor cant be too far. :rolleyes::D
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kyle and rigsby goto windsor part 1 pg version

8:00am cr leaves for michigan

car show, beer...


windor bar, bar, bar, bar, strip club...........casino...stripclub..............


casino "sir your too drunk for me to let you in."

< what the fuck you talking about

casino "you jsut threw your liscense at me."

< it was more of a toss

we then agreed i was drunk enough to lose the rest of our money. so she lets us in



leaving canada, border

rigsby - i'll just act like im wathicn a movie and they wont talk to me,

border guard - got anyting to claim

< half a pack of cigarettes

border guard laughs waves us on

6:30 wake up on a different freeway than what we were on when i fell asleep, driving tired is bad

9:00 finally gettin home after 5 horus of driving 100 yards from the house brian vomits, it was amazing, projectile perfromance since he always represents....good times

2nd trip was simply odd though

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Originally posted by Orion:

why drive to windsor when you can play with us, fool!? oh wait, i forgot, your cell phone got turned off/ girlfreind is over/ ex is crazy/ roads are bad/ dog has the flu. thats cool man, i guess windsor cant be too far. :rolleyes::D

LOL, fucker. Did you happen the read the part about strip clubs in my post about Windsor? Not sure if erotic dancers frequent your games; if they do, I'm there. tongue.gif Even if they don't, I'll still be there, eventually. Have faith, playa.
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we went to winsor on the 22nd...went to a couple bars and a strip club called like "million dollar saloon" or somethin...guy @ the 2nd bar said to go to cheetahs, and when we got down there, they were closed due to a water main break or somethin, so we asked someone on the street where another strip club was, and he points us down like 3 doors to the place we went...


1st time in a bar/strip club/drinkin in public (still 19) was definatley a good time...gonna be goin back up this summer...


guy who cut my hair said he goes up 5-6x a year, and durring spring/summer, the strip when you come out of the tunnel has somethin like 200 bars/clubs open...cant wait for that


definatley stayin in winsor next time...i thought i was gonna get my ass busted comin back drunk as shit

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