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Not dead

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

not dead, slightly battered and chapped, what'd I miss this week?

Heat, electricity, indoor plumbing, etc...


BTW, my job this past week was in upstate NY. When I left the actual temp was -13, and the wind was blowing HARD. How was it where you went?

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Originally posted by Mensan:

How was it where you went?

It was indy, oddly enough, everywhere but the top. As for temp,I dont know. I know if I stopped moving for more then a couple minute I couldn't keep my extremities warm, and eventualy started shiverin' quite badly. My route up was entirely in the shade and on the north face, I think the "flat'top" of the summit made me a nice lil respice from the wind. Still couldn't hang out long. Climbing mountain is alot like robbing a bank or sex, once your done, you need get the fuck outa there. tongue.gif
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