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Anyone ever have a hard time tryin to find a job??crazy stuff within


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I have had the strangiest luck after getting laid off by my last company. I thought it wouldnt be that hard to get a job but I was wrong. I dont know if it is the economy or what.


A little back ground I am in my late twenties and have have about 10 years experience in my fields. I have applied to places and not even heard from them. Email them or call them and they dont respond..ok there lost..well applied to places that call and basically offer you the job then never hear from them after the interview etc..have even been told u are over qualified..have had a few temp agencys call me we need someone like u right now...go down there fill papers out and never hear from the....



Anyway I am at my witts end almost. I havent given up yet anyone else doing with bullshit like this.. CJ

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I spent a year unemployed. I tried finding good jobs in my direct field, and got nowhere fast. Unemployment runs out, and I take the first crap (aka Calltech) job I can find.


From there, it opened the door to where I got into the cable field. Though I don't use many of my past skills there, I've moved up the food chain very quickly there, and am now making decent money again.


Sometimes you have to broaden your horizons. I'm not making what I used to a Lucent, but I'm a lot closer now than I was even a year ago.

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If you are in IT, that's the way it is when you deal with consulting companies. They will act all happy about hiring you, but until they have a slot/contract that you might be able to fill, they won't stay in contact with you. Basically, they are pimping you out. Once they find a client who needs your skillset, they'll set you up with an interview. Then if you get the job, you get "hired" on (either as W2 or 1099) and then you work your contract. You might only see $50 an hour, but your pimp (consultant firm) really bills you out as $100 an hour. ;)


So, if you are in IT, don't be discouraged, that's just how it is in this industry. What is your background? :confused:

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Don't tell me the markets bad for IT right now!?!? I was just hoping that it was just a stroke of bad luck (REALLY bad luck with everything that happened to me the last few months). Sounds like I'd better start stocking up on canned food, cuz it's going to be a long cold winter!



You get any good leads that want more than one CJ let me know. I put a little more info in the 'The Meat Market' on some of my skill sets. I'll do the same if something bites and needs more people.


Things have to get better from here for me, I've already hit bottom so I've got to go up from here. I refuse to 'dig' my own grave! tongue.gif

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If you don't mind working call center jobs I know RHI still has some openings for level 1 and 2 positions, I used to work for them and they have called me a couple of times asking if I can refer anyone that would be interested, PM me if you want some contact info for them.
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Guest GSRchick714

I have a job now but before I spent forever looking for a real job. Once I find one that looks alright, I find a ton and send resumes to them all but don't get many call backs. :confused:

I finally found something 1/2-way decent for me but I'll have to quit in a few months because of stupid school graemlins/bsflag.gif Who knows what I'll do then...I'll have to make enough money to pay for school, car, and house while working at night.... graemlins/doh.gif

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Yeah things are crazy out there Paul.. I have went on about 15 interview and have heard back from like 2.. I call etc and they dont call back dont want to seem like a stalker.. I just cant understand does anybody have professionalism anymore? Sorry to hear about your cars which ones were repoed? I got a lead on a job at aol but it only pays about half of what you are used to. CJ


[ 03. February 2005, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: CJINOHIO03 ]

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Originally posted by CJINOHIO03:

Yeah things are crazy out there Paul.. I have went on about 15 interview and have heard back from like 2.. I call etc and they dont call back dont want to seem like a stalker.. I just cant understand does anybody have professionalism anymore? Sorry to hear about your cars which ones were repoed? I got a lead on a job at aol but it only pays about half of what you are used to. CJ

Sad to say it was the vette and explorer. So now I'm driving these manly of the three cars, lol. Oh well... If someone will hire me and put cash in my bank I still have a chance to snatch them back. I'm going to go insane without a nice fair weather sports car to work on and drive around. Of course, maybe this is my chance to get out of the higher dollar cars and pick up an old classic later that needs a little love. :D
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That sucks bad man. I'm not out of college yet, but i already have a couple leads to grab onto. Hopefully something works out, but my father told me i'd probalbly have to move midwest to find a job, which i don't mind at all, screw this cold weather. It took me from march to october to find my job @ cc. Calltech is real easy to get a job at, you don't even need to know your a*ss from your head. It's money if your desperate till you get your feet on the ground.
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