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Fuck Christmas

The Man of Steele

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I seriously think I saw every dumb ass mother fucker in an SUV attempting to shop at tuttle today. Bad traffic because people are so fucking stupid. I think Christmas is a joke. Let me talk some shit about Catholics.


So I get the pleasure of going to mass tonight, after about 30 seconds I all ready wanted to bitch slap the congrigation. It's funny how serious every one acted. So after a long speach about money and what not from the worst speaker in the world (known as a "father") he made it blatenly obvious that he was asking for donations. Mind you this church is in the center of FUCKING MUIRFIELD! Like these people don't have the most rediculous expensive church to begin with. So after communion 90% of the people leave (about 15 minutes before the sermon was over) just got up and walked right out. I thought it was funny these people FILLED the collection plates, stayed for the communion (symbolic for washing away your sins or something like that) My conclusion is that these people donate money so they don't feel bad about only going to church on xmas to have communion.

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It wasn't just Tuttle. Even "redneck land" AKA WalMart, Meijer, etc on Hilliard-Rome road was almost impassable. Un-fucking-believable.


What the hell are you doing going to mass anyway? What a waste of a good TV night.

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Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

Chris I can see hating Christmas because he is Jewish, but Wonka you are just a jackass, get a life.

Actually, being a jew has nothing to do with why I think Christmas sucks.


Work retail for a few Christmas seasons, you will hate it too.


Christmas is supposed to be a nice, caring, "be kind to your fellow man" time of year. It's completely the opposite. Christmas is the biggest commercialized scam the world has ever known, a close second to Valentines day followed by Easter.


Holidays are a crock of shit.

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I haven't worked in retail too much during Christmas (1 year actually) but I know what you mean, I even avoid the BX like the plague this time of year. My wife works at the BX and she says most people are down right rude, most of them are the spouses of higher ranking people though. I will agree that Christmas has taken a new meaning to most people in the past decade or so, but that is no reason to make a thread bashing a holiday. Sometimes it is best to keep your opinions to yourselves.
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Originally posted by Fornicate:

Save your bible thumping bullshit for someone else. Christmas is a sham, even Jesus would agree!

ah, more from the jesus haters.


no where did i even bring up my faith, and you still blast it. you can take your angst ridden, "momma didnt love me so i hate the world" attitude and shove it down someone elses christmas stocking, you fat, fake jewish homo. tongue.gif


dont let him fool you, his dislike of christmas has nothing to do with being jewish. graemlins/slap.gif

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Originally posted by Orion:

ah, more from the jesus haters.


no where did i even bring up my faith, and you still blast it. you can take your angst ridden, "momma didnt love me so i hate the world" attitude and shove it down someone elses christmas stocking, you fat, fake jewish homo. tongue.gif


dont let him fool you, his dislike of christmas has nothing to do with being jewish. graemlins/slap.gif

Just like a Christian to be a hipocrite and call me fat... you ain't exactly slim either, bones. tongue.gif


My mom does love me, but that has nothing to do why I hate Christmas. I guess they don't teach you reading comprehension in Sunday School...


Originally posted by Fornicate:

Actually, being a jew has nothing to do with why I think Christmas sucks.


Maybe you missed this? graemlins/slap.gif Back to the reading comprehension thing... graemlins/lol.gif
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yeah, im not slim, that was the point, fagazy.


i guess sarcasm doesnt come across real well in here, so ill let your pot shots at my reading comprehension go.


not sure what calling you fat has to do with me being a christian, maybe youll explain that to me after i get un banned.

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Originally posted by Orion:

yeah, im not slim, that was the point, fagazy.


i guess sarcasm doesnt come across real well in here, so ill let your pot shots at my reading comprehension go.


not sure what calling you fat has to do with me being a christian, maybe youll explain that to me after i get un banned.

Actually, I know just want to say to get you riled up. :D
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Originally posted by Fornicate:

Actually, I know just want to say to get you riled up. :D

funny thing about reading, if you dont understand the language, it doesnt matter what your level of comprehension is.


can you spot the grammatical error, kids?

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