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Oral Surgeon Suggestions (wisdom teeth)?

Trouble Maker

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The dreaded time has come for my second ever oral surgery. I knew this was coming and I've not been looking forward to it. The last one was not a barrel of fun to be exact. To make this as 'pleasant' a process as possible, I figured I'd come here and get some suggestions.


Who have you or people you know used for procedures like this, and how did everything turn out?


Keep in mind that I vastly prefer they be covered under my PPO provider (Cigna). If you’re not sure if they are or not, you can post who you'd suggest and I can search, or you can go here and search if you feel so inclined. Obviously do dentist, columbus; next page, ppo, oral surgeon.


I’d also kind of prefer they are near the Westside, just so the drive home is shorter. I was miserable when I got out of the last one, general anesthesia is not my friend. Obviously I’d sacrifice this to get someone I know will do a good job, especially with a procedure like this.


I'd just go to the last one I went to, but they are 'out of network' for my PPO, meaning they would cover 70% and not 90%, like they do for 'in network'.


TIA. I really do appreciate it.

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It's been so long since I had it done I forget his name, but his office was at the corner of 161 and High St if that helps.


I was eating cold pizza 24 hours after having my teeth removed and swam in a swim meet the morning after they were removed. A lot of that has to do with if they're impacted or not though.

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All three are impacted. None are showing or every will, and one is pointed towards the other teeth, not up. Yeah, I really do only have three. Either you didn't have general anesthesia, or you just reacted VERY well to it. I had to fast the night before my last one, it was in the morning. I didn't even try to eat anything for about a day and a half. I eat ALOT (probably 3-5k Calories a day), and I didn't eat anything for almost two days. I couldn't hold anything down for a little while longer. I was living off of Jell-O, Gatorade, and instant mashed potatoes for about 4 more days.


That's not the worst I've heard either. Some people can't hold food down for days (3 or 4) after they have anything done which requires general anesthesia. I think it was more of a reaction to the anesthesia than anything else, but how long you are under is directly related to whether they are impacted or not.


I'll see if I can find a place that is at that location, thanks Phil.


Originally posted by Chad is Dead:

Go to whoever offers the most and potent drugs smile.gif

I won't take any of them unless I absolutely have to anyways. If the surgery is done well, I shouldn't need any, I didn't last time. Only took Ibuprofen on a periodic basis to keep swelling down.
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I was put to sleep for the procedure. I must have reacted well to the anesthesia because I walked out under my own power and felt fine. The nurse was amazed that I wasn't extremely groggy when I woke up. I even offered to drive myself home...but they didn't go for that. haha.


I couldn't eat the night before either since I had it done at 8 am. I had pudding for lunch, pasta for dinner, swam the next morning then ate pizza. It pays to have them out early. :D


*Just so you know, I wasn't surprised I cleared up from the anesthesia that quickly. My body has always reacted 'well' to painkillers and the like. For example, when I went to the hospital for a chest contusion they gave me 2 big viccoden tablets (bigger then the 5mg/500mg pills they sent home with me) and said it shouldn't hurt in 15 minutes. It took an hour to work, then didn't last as long as it was supposed to. I think my body just metabolizes it quickly. I've always had to take higher dosages to feel any effects, and then they don't last long.

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Originally posted by Homey D. Clown:

Damn I have to get mine out soon too... luckily, all of them are in...

Actually it's easiest if you get them out before they push through your gums. If they have to take part of your jaw bone with them you'll be looking at a longer recovery, more swelling, and more pain.
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Meh, I went to a guy in Newark by the name of Vitt. He was pretty decent, nice sutures and minimal incisions to get all my 4 impacted bastards out. I was put under for the op and then given a healthy supply of Vicoden of which I think I only took 2 or 3.


I went to my friend's grad party the next day, and my dentist was there asked me how I was actually going places and doing things so soon. It throbs for a while, but you just tune it out after a while.


Jesse, maybe you'll lose your lazy gut. Haha. graemlins/lol.gif

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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by Buck531:

Fuck you all.. I have 5.. that are all impacted.. :( . Supposed to get them taken out 11 years ago. I've been neglecting it.

I'm in the same boat. 5 of them and 4 are in full force. I should have had this done back when I was 18. On the bright side it shouldn't be hard at all to get them out. Not cutting, well only the 5th one. Just grab on tight, twist and pull. :D
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When I had to get teeth implants because I was missing two of them I went to Dr. Hinkle, he is a good friend of my moms. My mom is a nurse at Grant Hospital and she does anesthesia for oral, eye and ear surgury so she knows a lot of doctors in that area of medicine and who is good and who isn't. He is by riverside dr and I had a good surgury too. If you want to know about any Doctors that you are considering I could ask my mom if they are good or not, just pm me. smile.gif
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Originally posted by Buck531:

Fuck you all.. I have 5.. that are all impacted.. :( . Supposed to get them taken out 11 years ago. I've been neglecting it.

Sucks to be you. Mine are still intact and never gave me any trouble:)


My g/f got hers taken out last year, she had 5 as well. I thought she was going to die from the way she acted. LOL, drove me nuts.

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Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:

Jesse, maybe you'll lose your lazy gut. Haha. graemlins/lol.gif

Yeah, no shit. To be honest, this is the worst shape I've ever been in. As far as how I feel and how I look too. Changed my diet last week and started working out a little. Will probably be mainly skiing until spring comes around though, this cold weather sucks for running.


My sister wants me to do a tri with her in the summer, so I need to get in shape anyways.


If I still have this gut and Brian pokes at it next time I'm up there, I swear I will wrestle with him and lose, I mean, and kick his ass!


[ 02. February 2005, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: Neo ]

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Have someone drive you there and home.

Consume a liquid diet for a few days afterwards.

Get good drugs.


I had three, all pulled. I was in bed for a week, it was so goddamned painful. They didn't give me any drugs. It didn't help that I woke up before it was over, that was a horrible feeling.

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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

When I had to get teeth implants because I was missing two of them I went to Dr. Hinkle, he is a good friend of my moms... If you want to know about any Doctors that you are considering I could ask my mom if they are good or not, just pm me. smile.gif

Originally posted by Orion:

doctor kaye, in gahanna.

Unfortunately neither of them seem to be covered under my plan. :( I will probably still call Cigna to make sure I'm not missing something online, that they can see there. Doubt it though.


Thanks Ryan, I will keep that in mind once I get a few that I would like to look into some more.

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I had my wisdom teeth taken out a month ago by Dr. Olejko (right near St. Anns). I only had 2, they had been through for years, and it was just a simple extraction. Just novacaine, didn't give me stitches, didn't have any swelling, was eating normal stuff the next day. I didn't even bother getting my prescription filled, just took some tylenol.


He pulled my brother's as well, his were impacted and he had it rougher than I did. Also pulled my mom's wisdom teeth many years ago. Anyways, I'd reccomend him.

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There is a guy in Gahanna, he's NOT an Oral Surgon, he's a maxialfacial surgon that did mine.

Four wisdow teeth, 15 minutes and I was eating 1 hr later. And I was never clear out. Laughing gas and local by needle. One was rotted off at the gum line. The guy is THE SHIT!!! I can't remember his name. but I fucking hate dentist's alot, but that guy rules! That is the guy to go see, and rememeber maxialfacial surgeon, not oral surgeon.



BTW: expect to pay dearly for his services, his main deal is putting peoples faces back together after serious auto accidents and shit like that. But the lack of pain and suffering is worth the extra money, believe me.

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In addition to what I said above, I just wanted to mention that when my wisdom teeth were pulled, they were all still rooted in the bone of my jaw. None had emerged, and they were all at crazy angles so that if they had emerged, things would have been BAD. I think that's why I was in so much pain, the doctor had to dig deep to get to them.
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