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Forum for any chicks on CR

Guest tbirdchick

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Guest tbirdchick

I created a forum for us chicks that dig fast cars, bikes and so forth, still undercontruction as far as thelittle things, but it's up and running. come take a looks and if you want register and join the first new memebers.


Chicks car forums


[ 19. March 2005, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: slim ]

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I heart chicks that call themselves chicks.


Originally posted by Ricochet:

Great post, now every leghumping male on here is going to register and flood

your board with omghi2ugirlracerz!!1! threads.

+1 x infinity. Without a doubt.
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Originally posted by slim:

I greated a forum for us chicks that dig fast cars, bikes and so forth, still undercontruction as far as thelittle things, but it's up and running. come take a looks and if you want register and join the first new memebers.


Chicks car forums

haha but this new site made alot of guys on this board happy. Haha you know some dude is going to go on there acting like a chick see if any girls want to cyber haha
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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Great post, now every leghumping male on here is going to register and flood

your board with omghi2ugirlracerz!!1! threads.

First thing that came to mind. graemlins/nod.gif
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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Great post, now every leghumping male on here is going to register and flood

your board with omghi2ugirlracerz!!1! threads.

You were the first to bite, huh?


I cant view those two links you posted because you have to be a member. graemlins/jerkit.giftongue.gif

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Originally posted by B1sh0p:

and I think you're a worthless old redneck, so we're even. Go steal a television or something, eminem.

One minute I'm a fubu wearing eninem wannabee next I'm a old redneck(both arent even close) do your homework little boy you could only wish to be even with me.
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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by 10xworse:

1 x infinity is still 1

What school did you go to? Does 1 x 1000 = 1? Are you thinking 1^infinity? I weep for the future. :D
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Originally posted by 10xworse:

1 x infinity is still 1

No, 0 x infinity would still be 0.


1 x 1 = 1


1 x 2 = 2


1 x 3 = 3


See the trend?


Now, 1 x infinity would equal ____?


That's right; it would equal infinity.



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holy shit i think i was drunk when i posted this..



but at 10:42 am????



i am so confused, i do NOT remember posting that



EDIT: my boss thought it'd be funny...see what happens when i leave shit up at work? still though, that is some amazing stupidity...i saw that i'd posted it and didn't even realize my mistake until pointed out :confused:

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