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Screw Mother Nature

Mr. Jones

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Well after no power for a few days you really begin to appreciate the wonder of electricity.

Especially on record cold nights like last night.


We have spent the past couple days in the living room huddled around a kerosene heater from lowes.


The other time spent was spending every penny I had on 12V Sump Pumps, Above Heater, Piping ect.

To keep the house from crumbling in on itself.


$700+ thus far (so much for last minute shopping)/


Spent enormous amounts of time under the house getting sumps in and hand-bucketing alot of COLD water out.

+ Car Batteries

+ Wiring

Can't forget the propane lanterns for light and for heat under the house as well.



Overall #1 on the list of most miserable christmas ever.


Thanks Mother Nature! graemlins/thumb.gif

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I almost forgot to mention rigging up cables to the car to keep the batteries fresh at night!






I am also in need of a chainsaw for at least a day. Mike is trying to get Ahold of De' Lumbajack.

(how fitting). The giant tree limbs that crushed my fence need to be cut up and disposed of.



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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Sounds like a portable generator woulda been your friend. For alot less than the $700 you spent you could have bought one that'd run everything in your house and then some.

That was the initial plan.

Every store was sold out by 6am the morning it went off.

Called all over :(

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Some pics of fenc/shed.

Poor shed has been pierced. ..but alot better than it being the house/garage.













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Originally posted by Lepra-Shawn:

Mike is trying to get Ahold of De' Lumbajack.

(how fitting).

He doesnt do tree's he is a Lumbajack wankster and Im not sure if they allow him to operate a chainsaw so he might not have one. tongue.gif But im sorry to hear that man my house got hit by a large branch and I agree mother nature sucks
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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Old Dirty Angry Bastard:

graemlins/finger.gif Rub it in why dont ya tongue.gif

you stalk threads waiting for me to mention something about the weather, dont you? :(
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Shawn, I've got a chainsaw in my truck right now, but i've only got it until tuesday, so let's get this shit taken care of


just make sure you've got some 2 stroke mixed up and some oil sitting around to oil the chain, my friend that i borrowed it from said he just uses old motor oil

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Originally posted by copperhead:

Shawn, I've got a chainsaw in my truck right now, but i've only got it until tuesday, so let's get this shit taken care of


just make sure you've got some 2 stroke mixed up and some oil sitting around to oil the chain, my friend that i borrowed it from said he just uses old motor oil

Mike > **

Give me a call whenever you can. Judging by the post you were up quite late smile.gif

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drinking new things at the local bar with some friends = me riding around with someone (who is underage and therefore not drinking) for about an hour after the bar closed so that I was able to get back to my truck and drive it home with a clear head


99cent gas station sausage bisket sandwiches > * at 2:30 in the morning


I've gotta meet up with my dad for lunch, but as soon as I get back here I'm packing up and heading back north. I would guess you can expect me by 4pm, assuming traffic doesn't obliterate me

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

On that note, a deep sea earthquake brewed up a set of Tsunamis that have killed about 4000 people. So, feel good about you cold, dark, non costal homes. smile.gif

w3rd, this might be bad, but it is better than tornados/hurricanes/earthquakes/tsunamis/volcanoes any day of the week
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I don't think we were quite as bad off as you -- but we definitely spent a lot of time doing nothing in the living room, splitting firewood, and just trying to stay warm. 76 hours without power sucks. Generator is the first thing on the list of things to get for the new year -- this will NEVER happen at my hosue again.
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