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3 die on 71


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my brother and i drove a couple miles from home to use our phones and he gets a couple calls saying that he needs to call whoever back immediately, then josh's friend called him and told him that his friend from school was killed in an accident on 71 early christmas morning. This kid was a good kid and I am really sad for my brother, all 3 died in the wreck in Josh's car, and the other driver lived, he was charged and is in the hospital and is in stable condition. My sympathies go out to Josh's family for such a tragedy




ps it sucks to watch your brother cry

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Yeah it was x-mas eve but the dude that hit the guys had been convicted of DUI 2 times and had a third time pending and his lisence was expired anyways. And normally sober people dont drive the wrong way on 71 its terrible to see that happen. I knew one of the guys in the car and knew of the other two. Its just terrible to see all that happen.
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I knew 2 of the kids real well throughout high school. One of them graduated last year and had a full ride to Ohio Dominican through football.


From what I've heard so far about the wreck is that the other driver was drunk and was driving in the wrong lane on an onramp off 71. The wreck resulted in their car exploding and they were killed instantly :(

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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

Sorry to hear man. :( Drunk drivers should die, not the other way around.

Normally I would agree with you on this one Alex, but I'm kinda glad that guy lived. Dying for him would have been the easy way out. That guys is gonna be fucked for the rest of his sorry life, he deserves to live with the pain he has caused.


I'm so sorry for the 3 that died, my condolences go out.


They're in my thoughts and prayers. :(

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my bro told me that the guy might be a repeat offender for dui, 2 in the past and 1 pending, dui's in ohio is a joke, they do nothing to you that should be done, it just sucks that you have to do something like this to actually get punished
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Im sorry for for the loss of your brothers friend. I had to work guard duty for the accident we had to shut down 71 in both directions for several hours that night. The dickhead driver is alive and the CPD is pulling guard duty on the bastard waiting till he is released from the hospital, so he can goto jail. He will be charged with 3 counts of Aggravated vehicular homicide. I hope they hang him!!!

Theis sucks because we lost the female officer to a drunk driver in early december and then the two kids killed on 670 and now the three guys on I 71, when will people learn if you drink stay the fuck home.

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The call went out as a two car wreck on 71 with one car on fire and an officer was trying but could not get to that person because of the flames. Cars from 4 precincts were sent to help but there was nothing they could do. I do know that 1 person was confirmed dead at the scene because AIS was called out, and I do not know about the other 2 if they died at the scene or at the hospital. When I did drive by the scene later it looked real bad.

I do know that the jerk responsible, has 2 priors for OVI and that 1 was pending in Judge Barrows in Jan. The jerk is going to be charged with 3 counts of Aggravated Vehicular Homicide. I don't know how fast he was going. The whole speed thing is relative because you figure the 3 guys were going at least 65 and the other guy was probably going around 55 and they hit head on then the combined speed makes for a 120 mph impact. But the drunk always lives and the victims almost always die, it should be the other way around.

My prayers go out to the 3 guys families.

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I know how that is :( I was in a roll over accident Sunday morning around 9am on 71 about 40 miles north of Columbus. Luckily we're ok - I was with my family.. we're all ok, a bit bruised up but otherwise ok. Lucky to get out of that alive. The EMS people were saying how many calls they just around the same time... scarey :(
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