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Buyer Beware - Updated 5/28

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I was pretty sure Borris614 AND Burrito Blitz was her, but thought I must just be going crazy.


Burrito Blitz zip code- 43144.


Borris- Not sure


Also thinking this is her - Meloni4688 - 43201


one is a campus area zip, and the other is near athens, per mapquest. One of the emails I had said she couldnt afford rent on campus and had moved to her sisters near Athens.

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Other Emails I have-



There was also some "T206collector@ something" email.


Running an anywho search on "Whitmore" in the zip codes I listed above found the following-


Whitmore, Kirk, Mr


13939 Hack St




Anyone have a name? Filing charges and letting the police deal with this will be a lot easier.

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Found the other email address, T206collector@gmail.com


Sent a final email,



After the auctions I am still out $200. I want a money order (Not fake or stolen) for the $200 you owe me. I am giving you until April 19 2005, that way it covers 2 fridays if you are paid by-weekly. Overnight the money if you have to. As soon as the mail comes on April 19, 2005, if I don't have the money, I am going to the police to report theft. Being in how it is over $500, it is a fifth degree felony.

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her name is kim whitmore and that murry city address is her fathers address. i have delt with her in the past but never got fucked (thank god)

she also goes by korey, i think it has something to do with her being the butch one in a dating sence.

i have been reading these random posts and i am still wontering what excatly has happened. i must have missed something when my computer was down

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Rolla-Bought a rolex off her in december, the picture did not match the watch, and I am trying to get my $1000 back.


She offered to send me some things to put on ebay which I could keep the money from as payment. Now those items are turning out to be fake.

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ill have to say this again i have seen two of her titles one was for a festiva that she picked up from off the board and one was for a honda she got from her sister which i could drive you to her house but i dont remember the address # but both times the name was the same kim whitmore. let me know if you want me to drive you to her sisters apt so you have a back up address. i also know the last apt she was at on campus but i am not sure if it is still the same one.
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Guest Elinar Longsight
Originally posted by Akula:

The 1981 in her screen name means she was probably born in 1981. Check this out.



That is her, I remember when she posted about that incident on here. The fight was between her and her GF.


Tommy, I hope everything gets worked out...also, she has a name on LiveJournal so you can alsways go on there and post in the Columbus group about munchkin1616. The reason I know thats her is because when we got the dog from her friend, she posted it on there also.

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