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Originally posted by satan:

dude, his sister is smokin' hot. i'd definitely piitb.

That's exactly what I heard!


What do we have to do to get some pics?


I would do things to her that you wouldn't do to a farm animal! graemlins/leghump.gif

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I'll work on getting some pics. I plan on asking her to come to the dyno day. Maybe we can get her to pose on our cars... clothing optional.


As for the farm animal thing, dude... there isn't anything I wouldn't do to a farm animal. Come on, let's be real about this. I'd teach to say daa-aa-aa-aa-ddy just like I did that sheep last weekend. I have to say though, those things you were doing to it with the Suave bottle were impressive.

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Originally posted by satan:

I'll work on getting some pics. I plan on asking her to come to the dyno day. Maybe we can get her to pose on our cars... clothing optional.


As for the farm animal thing, dude... there isn't anything I wouldn't do to a farm animal. Come on, let's be real about this. I'd teach to say daa-aa-aa-aa-ddy just like I did that sheep last weekend. I have to say though, those things you were doing to it with the Suave bottle were impressive.

Dude, don't even imply that she can wear clothing. I want her to understand that she has to be naked. Hey, think we could get her to sit on gear shifters and stuff for a little $$$? I mean, I'm not saying she is a prostitute or anything, now she might get off a little bit doing that... but it doesn't make her a prostitute, does it? She's just sitting on inanimate objects, right? Hey, her and I can share a shampoo bottle later too! I wonder if I would have to pay for that?


Dude, were you watching the news last night? They were talking about all of those dead cattle on Hilliard-Rome road - well let's just say they didn't die of malnourishment if you know what I mean.

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Originally posted by Neo:

Actually I know I don't really have to worry about anyone in this thread with my sister because they only like men, farm animals, and shampoo bottles.

I like farm animals.

Chris likes shampoo bottles.

So, that leaves you, Brandon and DJ.

Which one likes men????

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Originally posted by satan:

Which one likes men????

You almost spoke too soon, but then...


Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Happy birthday Jesse! How old are you now? 17? tongue.gif


Marc posted!
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Originally posted by Neo:

I know I'm older than everyone in this thread except for the guy that's like 49 and maybe Chris, but I think I have him beat too. So you can all lick my taint. Especially you streetlight.

I'll like your sister's twat. Does that work?


And by the way, get a fucking job.

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Originally posted by Orion:

welp, happy birthday homie!


for your present, i will buy you a t-shirt. what size does your sister wear again?

that's the best you could come up with out of this whole thread? we definitely know who jesse was refering to liking men...




now back to discussing banging jesse's hot little sister...

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