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Douchebag cop......


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"What I want to see is this officer removed from his position, he's not fit to wear the uniform, that's what I think."


I could not agree more!!! Im going to the academy and I bet they dont teach you to answer calls that way. I feel so bad for that family! Thats really heartbreaking! Plus he hung up.. gave no medical advise or anything what a fucking asshole.. its cops like that that give other officers bad names! He should be fired!

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Stupid cop is rite.


But at the same time.. Looking at the picture of him on his bike, and from hearing about blood coming out of his ears.. Im going to guess that he wasnt wearing a helmet.


If he had been wearing his lid, he probably would still be alive.

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If he doesnt get fired he should never work as a dispatcher again. He should be reasigned to a redundent deskjob with zero possiblitiy to get premoted and has no contact with people that way he will want to quit or take yearly retirement. but that would be letting him off too easy.
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I'm betting this is far from over. Police protect their own including their association with the "GOP". However, these 911 calls are all on TAPE. That family should legally PRESS this. They can't bring that poor guy back to life, but they can eventually move this jack ass out of public service. Doesn't matter his tenure & previous record. When shit like this happens & the public gets pissed / nothing the Police higher brass hate worse than being under the "public looking glass" & looking bad. They'll deal with him, 15 days?? Shit, he'll be needing a new career -
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maybe I'm cruel, but he did send an emergency crew out there.... just told the people what he thought and got off... maybe he had a brush with death or something because of not wearing a helmet... I don't know...


The fact is... he was a dick.. but he did dispatch emergency vehicles like he was supposed to.


The sad part is that a helmet probably would have saved that kids life.

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Shitaro =


The fact is... he was a dick.. but he did dispatch emergency vehicles like he was supposed to.


Good point - he just could've handled the very 1st call professionally & quickly / that is the problem that may be his downfall -

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I agree with you. The only thing I was saying is that the guy being a dick didn't cause the kid to die... he was just an asshole when he shouldn't have been. I do agree that him being a public servant, he should not act like that.
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you fuck around on the street, accept the coincequences. Natural selection at work.


The cop was a dick, I think the officer is recieving fair punishment, and the next unprofessional think he says get's him the ax.


the family in no way should recieve any money for thier kid being an idiot though.

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