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The poorest city in the U.S. is......

Guest stvbreal

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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

Not only is Ohio the highest in unemployement

I think you enjoy being wrong

Ohio is 6.3%

Alaska is 7.3%

South Carolina 6.4%

Michigan 6.7%

Oregon 7.4% :eek:

with others in the 6's

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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

NO, I think I just hate Ohio. Nice research. I bet you couldn't wait to post that, huh?

I have to follow unemployment rates for a project. That was off the top of my head
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Originally posted by Neo:

They are probably talking about Cleveland proper, the actually city.

DING DING DING! We have someone with a brain!


In the city proper of Cleveland, the number of people on welfare is astounding, and they are bankrupting the city/taxpayers. Many of the suburbs are booming.


The municipalities within Cuyahoga county are seriously looking at what Columbus/Franklin county did 15 or 20 years ago - annex the suburbs to more evenly distribute the tax dollars and funnel more money into areas where it can foster economic growth.


(...but we all know that Columbus annexed its suburbs just to say that they are the largest city in Ohio... :D )

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