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Guest Rane

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While i will agree that sapp is an absolute monster he really lacks the still to step toe to toe w/ Tyson. Tyson would plant one or two good uppercuts and beat his big slow ass to the ground. I dont know if you seen the fight against Kimo or not but if Sapp gets hit a few times he just start stumbling around dazed. Now against one of the faster, more nimble kick ass kick boxers i'd say he'd be in trouble. Remy Bonjoski would knock his head off w/ one of his bad ass kicks. K1 is hardcore, I love watching that shit. Good times
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Originally posted by Mr Blunt 2gnt:

While i will agree that sapp is an absolute monster he really lacks the still to step toe to toe w/ Tyson. Tyson would plant one or two good uppercuts and beat his big slow ass to the ground. I dont know if you seen the fight against Kimo or not but if Sapp gets hit a few times he just start stumbling around dazed. Now against one of the faster, more nimble kick ass kick boxers i'd say he'd be in trouble. Remy Bonjoski would knock his head off w/ one of his bad ass kicks. K1 is hardcore, I love watching that shit. Good times

Sapp could probably corner him like he does with everyone, and pound him on top of the head. Or the guy that Scott posted up in the vids section, the one that kicks CroCop's ass, he would put a smackdown on Tyson
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Originally posted by jallen100:

Tyson was pretty Humble about the ass whooping Lewis gave him. He actually showed some class after getting beat. I did not like Tyson before that but that kind of changed my opinion about him. It will be interesting though.

I saw that fight, I bet he couldn't remember his own name right afterwards. I don't think he was necessarily acting humble, but just had no clue what was going on.


I would honestly be semi-impressed and think it would be kind of cool if he won. I wouldn't necessarily be surprised though. From what little I've watched K1 fighting and what little I know about fighting in general, it seems more like the sway of the fight hinges upon how the opponents skill sets are matched up. I would bet that, if Tyson were going to seriously get into K1, they would match him up with people with skill sets he matched up with better (or would be easier, comparatively for him to beat) for at least the first fight or two. I think a decent amount of the people in K1 would eat him alive though (just from what little I've watched and how tough these guys seem).


Are there very many people in K1 that are just boxers?

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tyson doing kick boxing is the same as him doing boxing. All he needs to do is land 1 good punch and he wins. When he loses he misses that punch. Hes a puncher that only needs 1 hit to win. I'd give him good odds in any fighting sport where his style is allowed.


Kyle G.

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Guest DagoRcR
Originally posted by jallen100:

Tyson was pretty Humble about the ass whooping Lewis gave him. He actually showed some class after getting beat. I did not like Tyson before that but that kind of changed my opinion about him. It will be interesting though.

Man, he was humble because he's broke + is getting paid anyways. I think i remember him saying "I hope we could have a rematch" He knows he would still lose, he needs money
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