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very interesting


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Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics


* 29 have been accused of spousal abuse

* 7 have been arrested for fraud

* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks

* 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

* 3 have done time for assault

* 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges

* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting

* 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits

* 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year...


Can you guess which organization this is?

























Give up yet???

























It's the 535 members of the United States Congress.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by StreetlightJr:

Holy shit, that's mind blowing.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Why? It shouldn't be. Does being elected to congress mean that you're a god? No.


They're only people- just like us. But they have a different job. None of those things should ever be done by anyone, but they are. So why should it surprise you that they do them, too? To err is only human.


Put yourself in their position-- what statistic would you fall under?




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I can see why so many would have arrests of some type on there record. alot of them are/where extremist in there day and some still are. I could see a young Robert Byrd getting busted at a KKK rally or something. He still gets himself into shit every few years anyway.
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Originally posted by Crankshaft:

<font color ="midnightblue"> Why? It shouldn't be. Does being elected to congress mean that you're a god? No.


They're only people- just like us. But they have a different job. None of those things should ever be done by anyone, but they are. So why should it surprise you that they do them, too? To err is only human.


Put yourself in their position-- what statistic would you fall under?




nah. this board is much more discerning than that. :rolleyes: hell, the only guy i can think of with a criminal background was run off a long time ago.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

yep we choose em, so we are the retards



I have believed for quite some time that the average American is a blithering idiot.

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Guest Tony_K

Those statistics are probably going back through their entire lives, including their crazy college days.


Take another look, and that big list only "verifies" three actual convictions of anything. People who have a lot of money or influence are regularly accused of all kinds things.


I for sure know they're not angels, but its always fun to pick apart statements like that. Some of the really weak ones:


ACCUSED of writing bad checks?

-"Hey! You! Yeah, you! I think this check you wrote is gonna bounce!"



-What does that mean? If I run my competitor into the ground, didn't I indirectly bankrupt a business? How do you directly bankrupt a business? Rob them?


71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

-They were turned down for the third card with the $100k limit. Come on - do you know what the price of real estate is in Washington? 2-bedroom townhouses where you have to fight for a parking spot on the street cost $500,000. These guys don't live in townhomes.


14 have been arrested on drug-related charges

- Including being at a party in college that was broken up by the cops and some people there were smoking pot. ...and 14 out of 535 is far better than the nation's population, unfortunately.


8 have been arrested for shoplifting

- I never understand why these rich shits have to do that. Must be the thrill or something. Still, 8 out of 535....not bad, considering all the dweebs I knew who stole things.


21 are currently defendants in lawsuits

- When you have money and influence, people sue you. "Defendant in lawsuit" can include minor traffic accidents.


84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year...

- This, if not an exaggeration, is a terrible shame.

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Guest powers
Originally posted by Jack Pee:



I have believed for quite some time that the average American is a blithering idiot.

that post just proves you to be an average american buy your own standard
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