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So, I go and take a leak in my basement bathroom...


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So, as the title says, I go and take a piss in my "crapper" in the basement. I look up.. and see a nice HUGE ass bubble. Great. Hmm.. it's dripping.. with water. Nice. The bubble is from the paint that's holding the water in (probably at least 5 coats.)


Get something to poke it with and it starts coming out (water.. brownish.. and NO, its NOT shit... it's just dirty from sitting on the wood). so I get a big screw driver and poke at it more.. More water comes out. (fucking great eh?). I touch the drywall on the ceiling. HEY, I can poke my finger RIGHT fucking through it. MORE water comes out. Now its like a fucking faucet. I quickly grab the kitty shitter bucket (place where we store the cat shit that comes out of the littler box), and place it over the water fall of brown water.


As it's dripping.. I'm taking down 1/2 of the drywall on the ceiling. and THIS is what I find.




That big ass tube goes RIGHT to the shitter upstairs. Great. NO, the water does not smell like PEE or shit or anything. I dunno what I'm going to do. I'll figure something out tomorrow. Right now, it looks like the wood is wet soaked and will need to be replaced. To the right of that big pipe you see in the pictures is the bath tub.


The more I think of it, the wax o-ring is probably fucked up and not sealing right. Great.. one more fucking thing I get to do tomorrow.



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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

I wonder how long that's been going on? Narly.

Well, by looking at how much it's dripping I'm guessing about 8 months or so. That's about the time we replaced the toilet upstairs. I'm PRETTY sure it's the wax ring that make the seal between the crapper upstairs and the floor.


As for the drywall.. eh.. fuck it. That bathroom needs remodeled anyways. I just think of it as an easy way to tear down drywall. :D

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Guest monkey4sale321
Man that totally blows. Sorry to hear about that. The wax o-ring shouldn't be hard to fix, the other stuff well damn, that's going to be a pain in the a$$. I wish you luck. Hope everything gets better.
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Guest nevarmore

Wierd how a 50cent part can fuck up an entire house.


Look at it this way, to do the job right you NEED to buy a <insert new tool here> when you get the lumber and new wax ring.

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Well.. I fixed it.


No, it wasn't the shitter.. :mad: ..


it was the god damn cold water line for the fucking ice maker. I came home, pulled the fridge out, pick up the hose, and HEY, get nailed with a nice stream of cold water in my face. There was pinhole leak in the hose that goes from the automatic ice maker to the sink. That hole just happened to be pointed towards the wall. Dripping down the wall, and my guess is where the flange meets the floor on the toilet.. it just used that as a funnel right onto the fucking ceiling in the basement.





Well, at least I have it fixed now. graemlins/bubbrubb.gif

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