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Anyone else notice that the truckers seem to be driving faster lately? I guess the cops are stopping them right now or something. I don't like going 65 to 70 on 270 and being passed by 50 ton rigs. Didn't say they pass by quickly there going anywhere from 65 to 75 anyway I think if the highway patrol wants to protect us they should probably be stopping more trucks.



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Let them drive faster. If I had $5 for every time a god damn truck got in the left lane of a two-lane fucking freeway to pass another god damn truck (or a god damn motherfucking line of fucking trucks :mad: ) and was passing at 60MPH, I'd be a motherfucking millionaire. My biggest fucking pet peve is inconsiderate god damn fucking truck drivers who throw their rolling pain-in-the-ass in the left fucking lane and drive 60 fucking-MPH because they are bigger than you and you can't do anything about it.


I can't wait until we're able to beam goods around the world so we don't have to rely on those god damn motherfucking piles of shit on wheels. 90% of truck drivers can rot in hell.

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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by Bananular:

................... This thread sucks. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

Originally posted by Jooomer:

Let them drive faster. If I had $5 for every time a god damn truck got in the left lane of a two-lane fucking freeway to pass another god damn truck (or a god damn motherfucking line of fucking trucks :mad: ) and was passing at 60MPH, I'd be a motherfucking millionaire.

EGADS! Bannanular, His Holiness, and I all agree!




[ 17. June 2004, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Rotary Jihad ]

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First off, let me say - To hell with you all.


I am not a trucker, nor am I related to any, or have any friends that are.


Trucks are what makes America happen. If trucks didnt ship cargo, we'd be at a standstill. The post office, grociers, every walmart, kmart, fastfood place, gas station, dairy product, - just about every thing is transported by a semi. No way around it.


And to think they do it as a career, getting a CDL isn't easy.


2 tickets in 2 years means unemployment. And most state troopers LOVE getting semis.


Being on the road for weeks at a time, sleeping in your truck, showering at truck stops, eating like shit - all by yourself. Not the life for me, so I say let someone else do it without me bitching at all.


Semis must FILL their trucks in every state they drive through. Must log every hour where they are, how many miles, ect - and og their sleep patterns. They are allowed to drive more than so many hours a day - which is good. I think the world is hard on truckers for the few of the fuckup truckers there are.

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Nick is right. My father has driven for 33 years now. He gave it up last year due to his health, and he lost something coming off the road. I was fortunate enough for him to tell me what it was.


Truckers transport everything, they run tight schedules, are underpaid for what they do, and there are 5 guys waiting for his seat if he fucks up. Not delivering on time may very well mean a company that is shut down and loosing ten thousnad dollars a minute because a part they need to keep the line running is sitting in a truck and not in the assembly room floor. We ALL rely on these men and women a hell of a lot more than you think. Take a simple product, ass wipe. Lets say that you needed some and the ruck delivering it was late, and you needed to take a dump, it's the sears catalog for you buddy.


Now as far as the speeds that trucks run. That is your wonderful ODOT creating a VERY unsafe enviroment by having split speeds. This is what you are all bitching about, trucks running 55 and 60 while we are running 65 or 70. Due to the way that the goverment taxes fuel, and roads, and the state patrol enforce the speed limits on trucks 50 times more here that almost any other state. This is due to the gaurrentee that the ticket will be paid and not fought in court. A week from now that driver will be 6 states away most likely, and unable to appear in court.


I have been close to the transportation industry all my life. From growing up in a house with a truck driving father, doing CB radio repair in 5 differnt locations and three states and now working in the logistics/transportation field doing computer support. I know the industry, I know what the drivers face on a daily basis. So cut em some slack. It's a hell of a lot harder job than most realize.

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I know, I know. I get the whole idea that they "keep America running" and all of that propaganda. Like I said, I can't wait for the day when they DON'T. I also said only 90% of those bastards can rot in hell, because there have been some cool truckers that know their place... albeit few and far between.


I also know "odot is to blame because they make the speed limits." Well, explain to me the THREE separate occasions that I have been pushed off of the road (two into a WALL) that luckily I have been able to drive out of, because some punk fucking truck driver decides to throw his shit-brick around like it's a sports car? I'm only 21 years old, been driving since I was 17, that's FOUR years and DANGEROUS odds.


Probably 60-70% of the time I see the fucking truckers swing out in front of a car that is CLEARLY approaching faster than they are going, but they will yank out and force their 50 ton ass into a space the size of a Jeep because there is NOTHING you can do about it. What are you going to do? Run them off of the road?


When I travel on a two-lane freeway (or any freeway) I like to OBEY THE LAW and keep a clear distance between myself and the vehicle in front of me. Asshole truckers seem to like to take advantage of that and cut me off at will. So I'm forced to break the law and put myself in a dangerous position by having less clear distance in front of me to avoid giving the fucking truck the opportunity to jump out in front of me and make me slow from 72-75MPH to 60MPH (or LESS!!!) constantly. Not to mention it's harder on my vehicle to constantly go up and down and up and down, especially when I'm pulling a trailer (when I'm MOST vulnerable because I *HAVE* to have LOTS of distance!). Some days the amount of time wasted during travel due to this bullshit can be maddening! I HATE wasting 15min sitting behind a fucking truck in the left lane doing 1MPH faster than the trucks he's passing (woot! 56MPH!) and stare into my rearview mirror and see a line of cars 1/4 mile long! Give me a fucking excuse for that.


Again I will say that 90% of truckers can rot in hell. I will rejoice the day that they are all unemployed from the trucking business and don't have to drive those 50 ton piles of shit around anymore. Like Nick and Desperado said, since they work such shitty hours, have to be all alone, and the job sounds like hell... I don't think they'll mind changing careers very much. The roads will be a cleaner, safer place anyway.

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Guest luciousjess
Try being stuck in "nowhere" mississippi at 4 in the morning with a flat tire and the speed limit is 70 or 75 with trucks flying by you at 90 mph. Now thats scary.
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you guys are bitching about trucks cutting you off, but typically, I get cut off by normal asshold drivers.


this morning on my way to work, some stupid woman was behind me, flew around me, cut me off... just to get in front of me, then drove under the speed limit... police should go after fuck tards like that before truck drivers... oh, and people that don't use their turn signals should be ticketed more also...


oh, just an a question for you guys... how many of you have even rode in a truck, not to mention drove one? there are tons of blind spots, maybe they didn't see you. If I see a truck with it's signal on, I get the hell out of it's way because I know that the driver might not see me.


that is all :D

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Originally posted by V6 Power:

this morning on my way to work, some stupid woman was behind me, flew around me, cut me off... just to get in front of me, then drove under the speed limit... police should go after fuck tards like that before truck drivers... oh, and people that don't use their turn signals should be ticketed more also...


I've had truckers grin at me when I FINALLY get by them. If I'm driving and a trucker puts his signal on with enough time to alert me that he wants over safely, I always let them over. But most of the time it's a mad dash to cut me off.


Fuck truckers.

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Down south where trucks speeds aren't regulated they go WAY too fast. Traveling down 65 on my way to Alabama on spring break, when we were driving through Alabama, those fuckers would go flying past you, AS YOU ARE GOING 85 MPH. It's one thing for a car to crash into you at that speed, but a huge semi. Sorry, life over. The speeds of semi's are regulated for a reason, not any political bullshit. They are regulated for our safety
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well you guys all showed me how much you don't know about semi's, every person i know who has driven trucks say that it is us retards in cars that are cutting them off, merging in front of an 80 thousand pound truck to get onto an exit, driving in their blindspots, then you will get an idiot that drives five under the speed limit making him have to get over to get around, remember they actually go through testing to get their license instead of the andretti wanna be's in their civics, or the mall crawler suvs women that talk on the cell phones, please give me a break cause someone actually slows someone down to the speed limit, their bad to slow you guys down


this thread is lame

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Originally posted by V6 Power:

police should go after fuck tards like that before truck drivers...






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