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Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> seriously, mushroom. Anyone ever actually think about this word? It's freakin weird! Mush + room... wtf? Who the hell came up with that? "Let's see, there's a soft, squishy, umbrella-shaped fungus with tiny corregated fins on the underside. Hmmm.... umbrellafungi? No... fungus stool? No.... ah ha! Mushrooom! Wunderbar!"



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I would imagine that the derivative of that word may have something to do with many edible mushrooms having a propensity to grow in caves and dark places. An abundance of these small, non-photosynthetic fungi may give a dark room a squishy, mushy floor. Hence, mushroom!


I just washed and waxed my wife's car, though...I'm pretty tired and my brain isn't functioning properly.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Zeitgeist:

I would imagine that the derivative of that word may have something to do with many edible mushrooms having a propensity to grow in caves and dark places. An abundance of these small, non-photosynthetic fungi may give a dark room a squishy, mushy floor. Hence, mushroom!


I just washed and waxed my wife's car, though...I'm pretty tired and my brain isn't functioning properly.

<font color ="midnightblue"> hmmmm... thine theory is as discerning as it is zesty, and may prove to be a nigh substantial elucidation of this oh-so-vicissitudinously perplexing quandary. I shall take thine implicit postulation unto further deliberation, that we might terminate this imbroglio ere its protractment is yet augmented by the audacious rantings and unavailing meditations of laymen.
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Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> hmmmm... thine theory is as discerning as it is zesty, and may prove to be a nigh substantial elucidation of this oh-so-vicissitudinously perplexing quandary. I shall take thine implicit postulation unto further deliberation, that we might terminate this imbroglio ere its protractment is yet augmented by the audacious rantings and unavailing meditations of laymen.

my brain hurts, knock it off fucker
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> is it so inconceivable that someone can actually write well? Some people paint; some play music; I write, and, ostentatious conventions aside, I'm pretty good at it. But, more importantly than that, I really enjoy it. So go fuck yourself Jon; or, instead of taking pot shots at me (or my mom, no less), finish an argument in our debate that has some semblance of cogency and give yourself some credibility first.



also, what do you think about the etymological similarities between "brother" and "brothel"? Seems a bit peculiar to me....

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> But Venom, man, think about it---if you do that, how could you ever get to meet my friend krissi to make her love you?? tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> hmmmm... thine theory is as discerning as it is zesty, and may prove to be a nigh substantial elucidation of this oh-so-vicissitudinously perplexing quandary. I shall take thine implicit postulation unto further deliberation, that we might terminate this imbroglio ere its protractment is yet augmented by the audacious rantings and unavailing meditations of laymen.

He means that he thinks the other guy may be on to something and he's going to think about it some more.


On another note, I'd really like to see flame war start between Garrett (Folkvang) and Glenn (ZYULTR, aka C5 DOC). graemlins/lol.gif

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> But Venom, man, think about it---if you do that, how could you ever get to meet my friend krissi to make her love you?? tongue.gif

damn you haha
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

On another note, I'd really like to see flame war start between Garrett (Folkvang) and Glenn (ZYULTR, aka C5 DOC). graemlins/lol.gif

<font color ="midnightblue"> I don't start flame wars, John--I end them. :D



And, to end the discussion, "mushroom" is a derivative of the French word, mousseron. So it doesn't really have a literal, real-world explanation. It's just the French's fault.

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> I don't start flame wars, John--I end them. :D



And, to end the discussion, "mushroom" is a derivative of the French word, mousseron. So it doesn't really have a literal, real-world explanation. It's just the French's fault.

its ALWAYS the french's fault. BTW your friend she is def hott.
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