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girls are shit

Guest ravedave

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Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

I am just saying this from what I have experienced and have seen. It always seems that the hot girl always goes back to the dick. Very often do you see a hot girl with a good guy..

as much as that sucks, thats def the way it is. I see these white trash dudes with these really hott girls makes no sense to me.
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Originally posted by Venom:

as much as that sucks, thats def the way it is. I see these white trash dudes with these really hott girls makes no sense to me.

Originally posted by OversizedFocus:

her new dude is dirty . glad we havnt had sex since then, id prolly have herpes or crabs smile.gif

Game set match..
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Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OversizedFocus:

her new dude is dirty . glad we havnt had sex since then, id prolly have herpes or crabs smile.gif

Game set match..</font>So are you saying you are a dirty, white trash dick? smile.gif


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The title of this thread = trueism.


Treat em like shit, They love you. Be nice to them, they lose all respect for you. I was told this by my current girlfriend who admitted to it. It's so true, too, even in the littlest incidents. If we're watching a movie and I sit on the opposite side of the couch or dont lay next to her or something, she pulls all this cute shit to get me to come be next to her. If i just outright sit next to her or wehatever, she acts all cold and indifferent. Women are stupid, simple, cheap whores who like nothing more than they do attention. The sooner all men figure this out, the sooner all of the women will be back in the kitchen and laundry room like they belong.


On a side note, older women = the hawtness. I'm practically enfatuated with two women in my dorm, one is an RA and the Other is an RD>.. the Rd is twenty six, and the RA is like 21..... Yum.

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Guest aftermidnight
Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

I am just saying this from what I have experienced and have seen. It always seems that the hot girl always goes back to the dick. Very often do you see a hot girl with a good guy..

you my friend have the same question i do. i had an awesome girl, but she left me for some dude with no job, car, or goals and he had a drug problem from what i heard. females are just stupid anymore.... (there's still some ok one's for the record, but they are becoming extinct"
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Guest ravedave
UPDATE** * a friend of the dude she fooled around with just confirmed she was just a piece of ass and he doesn't give 2 shits about her..what goes around comes around me friends, her world is about to come crashing down. she told her roomate to tell me to get i life, i informed her i have 1, just not two like her, cuz i'm honest smile.gif
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Originally posted by Venom:


Still young.. Only go for women over 25. MOST of the time, they are done with their whoring and ready for real life. Of course, this is only if you are looking for a relationship, if not, then just sleep with all sluts under 25.
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Originally posted by Homey D. Clown:

Still young.. Only go for women over 25. MOST of the time, they are done with their whoring and ready for real life. Of course, this is only if you are looking for a relationship, if not, then just sleep with all sluts under 25.

ha i dunno i like my college girls.
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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:



Girls dig domestic violence, at least in a little moderation. Known fact.


Carry on, pimps.

amazing what a good smack on the back of the head straightens out when it comes to women.

donkey punch works even better

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when it comes to young bitches, they want the 'dick' or 'tough guy'....the older they get, if you want a hot bitch....$$$$$$ money talks motherfucker.


anyways, screw the bitch, you're both too young to worry about a lasting 'relationship' anyways, girls are a dime a dozen and come in a million different flavors....i say get out there and taste a few. tongue.gif

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Guest racinbird
I learned my lesson early in life too. Back in 94' my GF of a year started cheating on me with my brother....yeah, that was some interested shit for a while.....bitches!!!! smile.gif
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You let her walk all over you. I once stole a hot girl away from her b/f because she bitched about him always bringing flowers and paying for her meals. Hot bitches like challenges. Nice women like nice guys, but that's when they're 40.



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Originally posted by 1Quik7:

when it comes to young bitches, they want the 'dick' or 'tough guy'....the older they get, if you want a hot bitch....$$$$$$ money talks motherfucker.

I know that's the damned honest truth, and it's saaaad. I still got sucked into hooking up with this chick when I got back here to school, I'm 22 she's 19 (wow I'm dumb redface.gif ).


Lying slut bag was STILL goin back to the last guy who treated her like shit AND getting on other guys at parties. Not like you can escape it though, at Ohio Northern you hear EVERYTHING play-by-play...which is lucky for me cause I was gettin played. Last weekend her little softball girlfriend stepped up to the plate calling me out at a party, saying I should watch what I say about my ex. Wow she's got another thing comin'. :D


From now on there are NO second chances, and these bitches get NO feelings. Just set your rules and stick to your guns, they all flock to the cock.

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Guest MX3Chick
Originally posted by OversizedFocus:

most of you prolly don't know me, i rarely post on here, but have been forever. i'm in need of venting....how do you treat a girl fucking amazing, let her have a phone in your name, pay for it, and all around kick ass, then find out she fucked a guy you HATE twice while your together? Needless to say i ended that bullshit quite fast.....do girls think before that act like retards? any advice?

I dunno, Ive been wondering the same thing about guys...do ya'll think before acting like retards?


Treated my ex (dated for 4 years) like gold, bought him car parts, supported him when he was unemployed, whatever he wanted....and after 4 f'ing years he decides this isnt where he wants to be. Couldve let me know 3 years earlier!


So, trust me, its not just girls who are screw ups!

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Guest ravedave

no 2nd chances is right, i'm setting a whole new set of standars, i thought it was just the girl the first time, but the same thing happens everytime.


all i know is if u wanna see her get dropped, she ran her mouth to the wrong friend of mine and will be getting an ass beating at long street tomorrow night, should be good times!!

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Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

I am just saying this from what I have experienced and have seen. It always seems that the hot girl always goes back to the dick. Very often do you see a hot girl with a good guy..

You know he's right. Dunno what the fuck it is but the nice guys get screwed, they turn into dicks and then they DO get screwed. That phenomena is just completely mind boggling to me.


+1 Quoted for great justice.

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Originally posted by MX3Chick:

I dunno, Ive been wondering the same thing about guys...do ya'll think before acting like retards?


Treated my ex (dated for 4 years) like gold, bought him car parts, supported him when he was unemployed, whatever he wanted....and after 4 f'ing years he decides this isnt where he wants to be. Couldve let me know 3 years earlier!


So, trust me, its not just girls who are screw ups!

Well let me ask ya this, was he a quasi un feeling cock the majority of your relationship? If so you've just got your answer.
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