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Starwars Episode 3: F'in Sweet. (may have spoilers)


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So, people, who all went and saw it tonight? If you didn't, no biggie but the movie was SERIOUSLY fuckin' sweet. The fight scenes were just damn cool looking and the acting this time around didn't make you want to cut your eyes out. Post up your thoughts/favorite scenes.


Plus the previews were good for the fantastic 4, looks worth watching.



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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:



I heard that after you watch this movie, your phone rings. Then, seven days later, you die.

You know, my friend was going to tell me that after he saw the pre-screening, but he died before he could.
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Originally posted by Homey D. Clown:

kick ass movie... some of the fight scenes should have been a little longer *(dooku, grevious)

yup, dooku got killed too fast.... and the final fight seen needed more death in my opinion.
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I read the book..... will I be disappointed when I watch the movie?


If you guys like the star wars movies the maybe you should try reading some of the books. Like in the end of the book "The New Jedi Order

The Unifying Force" when the New Republic and the Empire join forces to beat a new enemy that can not be felt in the force.


Han and Leia have a few kids, One is named Anakin.


Luke gets married, and one of the main charactors dies.


Sorry that was a "spoiler"


Boy, now I feel like a Star Wars nerd.


Books of the Star Wars series

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The movie was awesome. I think/hope that it might make records at the box office. The dialogue with natalie portman was really trite, thought I thought that hayden christensen did an infinitely better job in this movie. His progression from good to evil happened really well and Lucas did an amazing job of showing the dark side creeping up. This isn't so much a spoiler as it is imagery that I thought was amazing. Right after the 'balcony' scene, padme and anakin hug and the camera shows it in profile. I thought it was awesome because in the background you see the sun going down on padme's side of the screen, yet the sky is bright, where on anakin's side of the screen the night is already creeping across the sky.



This may seem like an asshole thing to point out, but I also remember one CGI generated part where Anakin is walking down the landing pad on that lava planet, and he reaches up with both hands to put his hood up...for that brief moment you can see that both his hands are white, instead of one being gloved.

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> No, star wars culture is gay. The series is pretty cool if you just take it in as a cool sci-fi movie and don't make it your religion.


I saw it tonight; it was ok. It was actually kind of stressful and depressing. I hate movies where people are betrayed by someone they really trusted, and this movie was the king. I can't imagine someone that evil, killing those little kids with as little compunction as swatting a fly. But, meh. It was on par with the next three films, at least. All in all, a good series.

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am I the only one who was disappointed with natalie Portman? she was so hot in the second one, and in this one, she just didn't look very good... I think her makeup lady needs fired because she had so much paint on her she could have been going to children's b-day parties.
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Guest racinbird
Originally posted by Drunky McDrunk:

Am I the only person that thought the movie seemed rushed and the lines and acting were wayyyy too cheesey

Star wars movie line and actors have always been cheesey....I just got back from watching it, I liked!!
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Originally posted by racinbird:

Star wars movie line and actors have always been cheesey....I just got back from watching it, I liked!!

Not like this one tho
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I didn't think it was very good, IMHO. I caught a lot of continuity problems, parts of the movie seemed very rushed and awkward, some of the dialogue was pretty poor, and the makeup artists sucked big time. Just my $.02, I still only accept the original 3 movies.
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