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Has this ever happened to anyone else?


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I was driving down 71 south tonight/this morning around 4:45 am, taking a friend back down to campus. I had cruise set at around 70mph, and was in the middle lane. My headlights were on, as were my foglights. There was a car in the fast lane, looked to be an 80's fwd GM car, maybe a buick century or it's pontiac equivelent. As I got to about door to door with it, the driver decided to merge into my lane. Quickly. I cranked the wheel hard to the right (there was *NO* other traffic within a half mile) and got out of the person's way. They were doing around 60 - 65, I was passing this person.


The person seemed to have turned a bit hard to have fallen asleep, or even to have been drunk. Is it possible that this person may have been trying to run me off the road for some reason? There's no way they didn't see me, I was in the new truck (the red one in my sig, it's rather large).


Normally I wouldn't post about retarded drivers, but something about this just seems way too strange. Any ideas?

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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

at that time of day I would think they fell asleep and awoke and got freaked out they were asleep behind the wheel and jerked the wheel for some reason it is hard to tell anymore what people do behind the wheel.

I suppose that's possible. I was kind of thinking it was someone trying to run me off the road and then rob me or something, it was very strange.


Originally posted by The Stig:

insurance fraud'ers possibly.

get shitty car

get rearended

get a check

The way they came over, there is no way that was the intentions. I was BESIDE them when they swerved.
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