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Marine in Fallujah. This is really pissing me off!!

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This is total fucking bullshit!!! Marine Being a former Marine... You go into these situations not to arrest and detain.. but to seek and destroy. This is WAR people!!!! If I were there, I'd never let another camera man get within 100 yards of my platoon!!! This is totally wrong. Let them do their fucking job!!!!!!! That is all.
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I can't believe that there is any question about the fact that the Marine pictured did what he needed to do to protect himself and his platoon. The Mosque was a safe haven for insurgents who fired on another platoon the day before, and those people have established themselves as guerrillas, with their actions. For all that Marine knew, in the hours between the previous platoon's entry into the Mosque and his, there could have been any number of people enter and rig explosives to the dying bodies of those people. With that mindset, I'd have shot the guy too! I don't think that anyone can judge that Marine unless they were standing in his shoes at that particular moment. Whether obviously armed or not, the threat was there.
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I just hate how people take incidents like this and put the blame on Marines and shit for doing "more than necessary" or whatever you wanna call it, then the very next day the same people turn around and blame the President for the deaths of American marines. Well maybe if you people (those that make a big deal out of shit like this) would let our Marines kill the opposition, less of our Marines would die. It's sickening how hypocritical some people in this country are. :mad:
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camera crews in battle= one of the dumbest things ever


Going after a Marine for killing in war = Total BS and just one more reason I worry about the pansey people in this country that want to be able to live in a free country, only see what they deem to be good programing on tv, and never stand up for what they belive in. They just call a org. and complain and let them screw up the world.



Sad part is this soldier will most likely serve more time than Osama

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Unfortunatly we fall under the Geneva Conventions and the Law of Armed Conflict. Every Soldier, Marine, Sailor and Airman are trained in this and understands the concequences if these "rules of war" are not followed. Basically the rules are we cannot fire on an enemy until they fire on us. It is unfortunate that this is happening and I am not saying I agree with those terms, but we are the US military and we have rules to follow even if our enemy does not.
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Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

Unfortunatly we fall under the Geneva Conventions and the Law of Armed Conflict. Every Soldier, Marine, Sailor and Airman are trained in this and understands the concequences if these "rules of war" are not followed. Basically the rules are we cannot fire on an enemy until they fire on us. It is unfortunate that this is happening and I am not saying I agree with those terms, but we are the US military and we have rules to follow even if our enemy does not.

But the terrorists don't follow Geneva Conventions, they break them all practically, and even though he is an American soldier I think this "war" is different. Terrorists surrender, then open fire. They don't wear uniforms, etc.


This guy was doing his job, and in Fallujah, a city full of terrorists that knew we would invade, civilians had time to leave... I think he did the right thing, kill the guy to eliminate any possible threat. Hopefully he'll be judged with those conditions in mind.

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Actually you can fire on combatants if you believe they are commiting a deadly sin, stealing arms that can be used against anyone, theft of sensitive materials, bla bla bla.... Like I said, I have been trained in rules of deadly force, I would stick to my training on this on and state I believed this person was threatening civilians.
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Originally posted by B1ackout:

I just hate how people take incidents like this and put the blame on Marines and shit for doing "more than necessary" or whatever you wanna call it, then the very next day the same people turn around and blame the President for the deaths of American marines. Well maybe if you people (those that make a big deal out of shit like this) would let our Marines kill the opposition, less of our Marines would die. It's sickening how hypocritical some people in this country are. :mad:

yeah that is something that gets under my skin real quick
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Let the man do his job. He risks his life for a system he believes in, then has that same system knife him in the back.


#302402 Semper Fi

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Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

Unfortunatly we fall under the Geneva Conventions and the Law of Armed Conflict. Every Soldier, Marine, Sailor and Airman are trained in this and understands the concequences if these "rules of war" are not followed. Basically the rules are we cannot fire on an enemy until they fire on us. It is unfortunate that this is happening and I am not saying I agree with those terms, but we are the US military and we have rules to follow even if our enemy does not.

Horse SHIT! there are no uniformed opposing soldiers. It's views like this that kill our soldiers more than the combat it's self.


the military is there to kill and breaks stuff in the attempt to win a war, if the bad guys don't follow the "rules of war" fuck them, thier biggwest fear is our men kicking the shit out of them on thier own turf under thier rules, they are COUUNTING on liberal bullshit to hold our troops back so that they can get a body count high enough that the general populous will give up and cry for the return of the military. Let it happen, more liberal bullshit = more of history repeating it's self.

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