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Funny Shit


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I was talking to a guy I work with the other day who had gone to see Star Wars the night before. Some one sort of laughed and commented that he was a Star Wars nerd. At that point he started talking about having his car stolen by a female Klingon.


The way he explained it was he was at a Star Trek convention here in Columbus, that he had driven his 3 day old Chevy S10 to. He was drinking pretty heavy at the convention and somehow picked up some chick that was dressed as a female Klingon. He gets her drunk, or so he thinks, and talks her into going home with him. On the way she mentions something about more beer. He swings throught the Kroger to get some. He leaves her in the truck, with it running and goes in to get beer. Coming back out, drunk and carrying beer, he finds his Klingon friend and his new truck are gone. So he goes back into the Kroger, tells em that a Klingon has stolen his truck. Mind you he's plastered, so they will not call the cops for him. He finally gets the convinced to call and they show up.


Cop: Do you have a description of the vehicle?

Mick: Yea, 98 S-10, white with a 30 day plate.

Cop: How about the person that took it.

Mick: (mind you he's wasted) Uhhh, green and brown face, leather busty top, big green.... she was a Klingon.

Cop: WHAT????

Mick: A Klingon, you know like Star Trek.

Cop: Sir, have you been drinking?

Mick:Yea, heavily, but she was still a Klingon. I was at the convention abd picked her up.

Cop: Sir, we are going to give you a ride home and work on this in the morning.


So they take him home, he has no keys so the landlord has to let him in. Somehow the police believe him enough to put out a description of the truck and driver (which I wold have LOVED to have heard.) And they actually pull her over for weaving. They arrest her and in the morning, they of call Mick to come down and pick her out in a lineup. Of course she's still in the Klingon costume. So the closest that the police can come is 4 uniformed female cops.


Cop: Sir do you recognize the woman that you left in your truck last night?

Mick: yea, she was a Klingon, lets see, COP, COP,COP, COP, Klingon...that would be her!


So if you think you had a bad night, just remember that you have never had to tell a cop that a good looking Klingon with big boobies stole your ride.


[ 24. May 2005, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]

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Sitting there listening to the guy talk about it was just priceless. The guy is a few sandwiches short of a picnic to begin with, so I am guessin that he's a real nut when he's smashed.


He went on and on about how hot the chick was and how all the really hot big boobied women dress as Klingon chicks because of the revealing outfits that they wear. I thought I was gonna blow a funny fuse I was laughin so hard as he was telling the story. I had to share it with yall.

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